Chapter Two

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With a sigh, Junkai came out of the room, and reassured the staff members that he was fine. As he was about to turn around and hide in the room again, a voice from behind left him frozen in place. 


A quiet whisper from behind made Junkai's still in place. He didn't know what to do, he just knew he couldn't be next to Yuan at the moment.

"Go away, Yuan," he said without sparring him a glance.

He continued walking till he reached the room he was previously hiding in, sat on the couch, and pulled out his phone to play games. He expected Yuan to obey him like usual, so it was a surprise when he came into the room, closed the door, and uttered, "No."

Junkai's head whipped up, his eyes widening in shock. "What did you just say?" 

"I said- "

"I heard what you said," interrupted Junkai, getting to his feet and striding over to Yuan. He glared at the other, expecting Yuan to look down in defeat, but instead he kept a straight face and even dared to make eye contact.

"But maybe you didn't hear what I said," snarled Junkai, hoping that was the case, "I told you to go away." 

Yuan nodded, his gaze never wavering. "I know. And I said no." 

"Yuan," warned Junkai, his voice steely and cold. "I'm not in the mood right now. Go away." 

The younger pursed his lips, aware of the rising anger in Junkai's tone, but he knew he couldn't back down now. He muttered, "You're never in the mood for me anyways, so why should I back down this time?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Junkai furrowing his eyebrows, doing his best to act confused, but Yuan knew better than to fall for it. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," he replied, irritation written all over his face, crossing his arms. "You've been acting weird towards me for months now. You avoid me at all costs, make rude remarks at me for no reason, and push me away when I try to talk to you." 

Yuan swallowed, tears forming, and whispered, "I miss you, Junkai."

Junkai wanted to hug him, kiss him on the cheeks to reassure him that nothing is wrong so badly, but he knew he couldn't do that.

He forced himself to swallow his emotions, biting back on all the words he wanted to say, and hardened his eyes.  

"You are so selfish," he spat, guilt immediately building up inside of him when he saw how hurt Yuan looked, but there was no going back. Each word uttered out of his mouth tasted like acid, but that was a punishment he was willing to pay in order to ensure Yuan's safety and happiness. 

"You think I miss hanging out with you?" he continued heartlessly, "I don't. For the first time since our debut, I feel so free not having you creepily around me."

"Y-you don't mean that," Yuan stuttered.   

Junkai squinted his eyes to look at Yuan, because even in the dimly lit room, he could make out the tears forming in Yuan's eyes. Even more apparent was the crack in his voice as he spoke, which shattered Junkai's heart.

"Stop crying," Junkai blankly said. "I'm so tired of you acting like we're best friends. We're not. Stop following me everywhere. Can't you understand? Just go away and stop bothering me." 

Junkai sat back on the couch, and shifted his attention back to his phone, leaving Yuan standing by the door with tears streaming down his face. 

"Fine. I'll stop." 

Yuan's answer was not what he had expected, and his eyes snapped up to see the other looking down at the ground. "Is he really just going to give up that easily? Why am I so disappointed? Isn't that what I wanted?"

"I'm gonna go..." said Yuan, as he opened the door and walked out.

Alright! You have reached the end of chapter two of Not So Secretly Loving You.

I hope you enjoyed it, and stay tune for the next update!

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