Chapter Eight

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Yuan's Perspective
I slowed down and hid behind a tree. While hiding, I looked around to try and find Junkai. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn't see him. When I was about to turn around and kneel down to rest, I was suddenly caged between a pair of arms. I hesitantly turned around and met Junkai's eyes. I looked away as soon as I met his gaze. He sighed and put his arms down to his side.

I turned left and was about to run, but he pressed his right hand against the tree. I turned 180 and attempted to run again, but he was faster and pressed his left arm onto the tree. I slowly slid down, and he slid down as well still with his arms against my side pressed against the tree. I gave up on running, and said, while looking down at my knees, "What do you want?"

"Yuan," he said as he caressed my cheek, "I'm sorry." My breath hitched in my throat, and my eyes started to get watery.

"J-Junkai-," I started, but was cut off. He took his hand off my cheek, and started to speak. As he rambled, his eyes started to dart around, staring at anything and everything, but me.

"I'm so sorry, Yuan. It's painful to watch you cry, and knowing that it is because of me just deepens the pain. I don't deserve to have a single tear be shed from your eyes, unless they are tears of joy. You mean a lot to me, and you shouldn't be crying or have cried because of a guy like me. I am so, so, so, sor-"

"Junkai," I tried to cut him off.

"-ry. Words can't describe how bad I feel for making you cry.

"Junkai," I tried again.

"I mean it, Yuan. Sorry isn't even enough, but that's the only thing that I can say. I'm so sorr-," as Junkai was concluding his rambling, tears started to form in his eyes. Since trying to get his attention verbally didn't work, I decided to cut him off by gently pressing one of my fingers against his lip. He looked up at me with doe eyes.

I sighed and said in a stolid tone, "Okay maybe I overreacted this morning when I decided to leave the house. And despite the fact that the event from last night will forever be burned into my memories, and cause my heart to ache every time I think about it," I started and noticed Junkai pouting. I averted my eyes from his pout to his eyes, and continued, "But seeing as you are legit staring me down and giving me the biggest puppy eyes ever while pouting at me, I accept your apology," I ended with a smile. For the first time today, I actually smiled a genuine smile.

Junkai sighed out of relief, and so did I; it seemed as if a huge weight was lifted off of both of our shoulders. "Plus it looks like you went to hell and back just to apologize. It would be cruel on my part not to accept," I chimed as I let out a soft giggle, while Junkai just smiled at me. "We should head back now. Qianxi and the manager are probably really worried about us, since we both left the house in a haste," I suggested as I got up and dusted off dirt from my clothes. Junkai mirrored my actions, while saying, "We don't have to worry about the manager. He went out for a moment. Qianxi on the other hand, I don't know."

As we were walking back, shoulder to shoulder, the tension grew awkward and tense. No words were spoken as we continued to walk down the path side by side. Knowing that it was going to be a 15 minute walk, I decided to talk to him in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

"Hey Junkai, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What?"

"Did you get beat up on your way here or something?" I said looking him up and down.


Junkai's Perspective
"Funny that you asked that. I didn't get beat up on my way here, but I will be beating up someone when we get home. Thanks for the reminder, Yuan," I said as I glared at nothing in particular. Yuan visibly shivered as I said that, although I couldn't tell if it was because of me or the cold. Even though it was probably because of my words, I took off my jacket and put it on him anyways. He stared at me with a startled expression. At a lost of words, I stuttered out, "Y-you were shaking, so I decided to give you my jacket."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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