Chapter Four

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"You just wouldn't understand alright?!" cried Junkai in a random outburst, forcing himself to pull his hand away from Yuan's touch, and turned away. "I can't even tell you why I'm acting this way without possibly screwing everything up," Junkai exclaims, back turned away from Yuan.

After a moment of silence, Yuan broke it by slightly nodding his head and saying, "Oh... I think I understand," and with that, Junkai nearly snapped his neck at the speed he whipped his head around towards Yuan.

"You do?!" he cried, with widened eyes.

"Yeah. I think I get it," Yuan said while gritting his teeth, forcing out a smile,"You have a crush on someone, don't you?"

Junkai stared at Yuan with a blank look on his face, which the other took it as a confirmation of his claim, and the small smile on his face faded away.

"I knew it. So who's the lucky girl?" Yuan questioned.

"I-it's actually a b-b-boy," stuttered Junkai.

"Oh didn't know you swung that way, but it's fine, I'm not one to judge," Yuan said shrugging his shoulders.

"Do I know him?" asked Yuan in a quiet voice.

Junkai simply nodded.

"Th-that's... great," Yuan said half-heartedly, forcing another smile onto his face. "Is he-"

"He's someone who makes me happy. Being with him, causes my heart to beat a mile a minute. He's someone who I spend every waking moment thinking about. Someone who I love more than anyone in the world. Someone whose voice is so angelic that it sometimes causes me to get lost in it."

Yuan furrowed his brow, and his mouth formed a slight pout that made Junkai lick his lips in anticipation. "Who are you talking about?"

"He wants to know?" Junkai thought. He was planning to go with a subtle and cute approach when confessing, but because of the circumstances right now, he decided to take another approach.

Junkai turned towards Yuan and grabbed his hand. "Remember how I said that that person is able to make my heart pound like crazy when I'm with them," he said as he guided Yuan's hand to his heart, "I'm talking about you."

Yuan's eyes widened and stuttered out, "W-what?"

Junkai let go of Yuan's hand and cupped Yuan's face, and said, "I said I'm talking about you and I mean it. It's always been you. Ever since the day I met you, I've liked you. No matter how hard I tried to stop my feelings, they grow stronger for you each day." Junkai pauses and took in a deep breath, "It's becoming harder for me to hide it from you. Every time I see you, I just want to do unimaginable things to you. I want to be the one that comforts you when you cry and lend you a shoulder to cry on. I want to hug and kiss you, see parts of you that no one else is able to see, and more." The last part came out as a whisper, but Yuan heard it perfectly, and turned away.

Junkai thought that Yuan was disgusted of him, but in reality, he turned to hide the blush forming on his face.

Suddenly the realization of what just happened hit Junkai. He let his mouth run. He's screwed everything up, and he dropped his head in shame and disappointment.

"I-I'm sorry, Yuan," stuttered Junkai, not quite meeting his eyes. "About everything I said. You must be really uncomfortable around me right now. I shouldn't have said that to you... I guess I'll just head back to my room now."

There was still no response from Yuan, so Junkai took the silence as a sign of disgust and hatred towards him, and walked away.

When he reached for the door knob, he was stopped by Yuan yelling, "Wait!"

Junkai turned around, and saw Yuan still sitting there, but turned towards him. The expression on his face screamed hesitation.

"Did you really mean what you said?" he asked, looking at Junkai who didn't dare to look back at him. The only response he got was a shy little nod.

Yuan gulped, then got up, walked towards Junkai, and said, "Then why don't you do it then?"

Junkai's eyes widen, and asked, "Why don't I do what?"

"Why don't you do all those things that you said you wanted to do to me?"

The question caught Junkai off guard. "I-I-I c-can't bring myself to do that to you... I don't want to screw everything up, nor do I want to force it on you," he managed to explain.

And to that, Yuan asked, "Are you sure?"

"Positive," he sternly said, although his voice sounded unconvincing.

"Well if you can't do it," Yuan said, and roughly push Junkai against the door, a dangerous smirk displayed on his innocent face, "Then I will."

Alright! You have reached the end of chapter four of Not So Secretly Loving You. So as usual, I hope you enjoyed reading it, and stay tuned for the next update!

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