Chapter 3

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A couple days later, Isabella was standing in front of the school, with Ben, waiting for the new kids to arrive. The limo pulled up and a couple of kids got out. Bella hid behind her brother, a little scared.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." Fairy Godmother said. "I'm Fairy Godmother, the Headmistress."

"Hi. Welcome to Auradon." Ben said. Bella tugged on Ben's shirt. "And this my little sister, Isabella." Ben looked at Bella. Bella stayed behind Ben, but gave a small wave. Ben took Bella's hand and they all walked inside. "Here are you schedules and dorm room numbers." Ben said. "Magic is not permitted on school grounds."

"Hey Ben." Bella heard someone say. She turned around and saw Doug, coming down the stairs.

"Doug!" Bella said, smiling.

"Hi Bella." Doug said, ruffling her hair.

"Doug can show you guys to your rooms." Ben said.

"Hi guys. I'm Doug." Doug said "Dopey's son."

"You guys are in good hands." Ben said. He looked at Bella. "Come on Bella. Let's go to the lounge." Bella skipped as her and Ben walked to the lounge. She heard Doug talking as they walked off. They got to the lounge and sat down on a couch.

"How long are they going to be here?" Bella asked.

"For a while." Ben said.

"What if they try to do something?" Bella asked.

"If they do try to do something, we will deal with it if it comes to that." Ben said. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen." He smiled at Bella, reassuringly and she smiled back at him.

"Let's play a game." Ben suggested.

"Ok." Bella said. They hung out the rest of the afternoon in the lounge.

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