Chapter 2

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'Takesho... Shiromiya..?' Naruto told himself the name of his savior over and over again until he burned it into his memory,

"Wait-if you're an Uzumaki, why is your surname Takesho?" Naruto tilted his head in that adorable way that irked Shiro.

"My mother. Her surname is Takesho, and my father's an Uzumaki. Since they never formally married, my father and mother agread that I would take my mother's surname."

Thinking about it led Naruto to be satisfied with Shiro's answer, nodding, choosing not to respond. A comfortable silence filled the air as Naruto was nibbling on the sliced apples Shiro had prepared while watching the latter read the book he had gone to grab. Naruto let out a content sigh as he finished his last slice, letting his eyelids droop down as they became heavy. Shiro noticed Naruto's fatigue and put down his book, walking to his side to carefully tuck him in. Shiro let himself calmly watch over the sleeping boy in sadness and anger. He couldn't begin to think of what redundant reason the villagers had that would allow them to hurt the poor, kind hearted child. Shiro sat himself on the chair beside the bed Naruto was resting on, laying his head softly to occupy the empty space of the child's lap. He knew it was not time to be sleepy as it was mid day but Shiro couldn't help himself. Naruto had such a calming aura, he just had to let himself bask and rest in it like he would in the warm sun. He welcomed the darkness of sleep with the thoughts of his personal sunlight.

----------TIME SKIP (8 Hours) BROUGHT TO YOU BY WTNV QUOTES----------

Naruto let out a sneeze, startling himself and Shiro.

"You were awake?"

Naruto shook his head and responded,

"But I am now."

Shiro let out an 'oh' before he noticed he had left the window open, letting the cold air in. Thinking it was the cool air that had made Naruto sneeze in his weak form, Shiro got up to choose the window and turning on his heater for extra measure.

"How long were you awake for?" Naruto asked,

"Only about two hours or so, when the sun was still up." Shiro didn't look up from his book.

Naruto thought of what Shiro had said and turned to the window, sure enough, it was dark out. Naruto couldn't help but stare at Shiro, wondering about his relationship with his parents. He didn't realise how long he had been staring for until Shiro interrupted his thoughts,

"Is something the matter? Do you need anything? Or is there something on my face to have you staring like that?" Shiro had asked in a worried voice.

Naruto shook his head rapidly, worrying Shiro more as he thought about his injuries,

"O-oh no! Of course not! I'm very grateful for you letting me heal! It's just.. I was wondering about my parents.. Can you tell me about them?"

Shiro smiled, "Of course, you must be very curious. Now.. Where so I start.. Oh! How old are you Naruto?"

Naruto answered in confusion, "I'm 8, why?"

"I was your age, if not younger, when I met your mother. She was to teach the younger Uzumakis the proper way to use our kekkei genkai* and I so happened to be in that class."

Naruto listened intently as Shiro explained how idiotic it was that an 8 year old thought they had a chance with someone twice, even triple their age, but Naruto didn't seem to mind and Shiro was grateful. Shiro told Naruto of Minato's achievements and Kushina's strict teachings, as well as how they both were so excited for Naruto's arrival-just as Shiro was. Naruto intently listened on as Shiro rambled in enjoyment of his mentor and his competitor, letting Naruto know how passionate he was about the whole ordeal. Naruto rest his back against the bed frame and pillows, enjoying Shiro's company immensely. The thought of him needing to go back to his home where he would surely get atracked again was enough to make him want to cry and curl into Shiro's side, never leaving his warmth. Shiro's voice became static as Naruto thought of all of the scenarios that would come to pass once he had to leave. The two carried on their conversation to early morning, enjoying each other's company as they were both lonely individuals. But as abruptly as the conversation started, it ended with a yawn leaving the tired child.

Naruto's frequent moments of silence during their conversation concerned Shiro as it was unusual because of the type of person the boy was, but was quickly dismissed as Naruto told him he was just tired. Shiro stiffled a yawn and turned off the light on the bedside table next to Naruto, tucking him in as well. He whispered a good night with a soft smile as he turned off the dim light of the room and closed the door, going to the homes living space. Shiro made himself comfortable on the couch with a blanket and a pillow as his thoughts flooded his mind.

'I'm going to need to talk to the Sandaime* tomorrow..' And with that, Shiro welcomed the darkness of sleep. Unknown to him that he was being watched.



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Light sounds of thumping were heard across the hard wood floor as a small figure made it's way towards Shiro's sleeping form. The person reached towards Shiro's cheek to be stopped by him grabbing their hand. Shiro held tightly into their hand as he turned on the lamp in his groggy state.

"Naruto? What are you doing up?" Shiro groaned out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes to get a better view at the small child. Naruto didn't answer and was trembling, tears running down his cheeks as he hugged his pillow tightly to his chest.

"Naruto? What's wrong, are you okay?" Shiro askes worried, sitting upright in the couch as he bagan to slowly rub cirles on Naruto's tear steaked cheems. 'Nightmares?' Shiro pulled Naruto into his arms. Naruto didn't trust his voice enough to answer, so instead Naruto climbed into the couch and hugged Shiro's side. Shiro ran his hands though the golden tufts of hair to try to calm Naruto down, hoping it was working.

"C-can I sleep with you f-for the night?" Shiro heard Naruto's trembling voice and let out a sound pf approval. Shiro scooped up Naruto and layed his back chatty against the couch with Naruto laying on his chest, bringing up the blanket to cover them both. Naruto snuggled his nose into the crook of Shiro's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Shiro's neck. Shiro smiled at this and held tightly onto Naruto in a reassuring embrace as he rubbed circles on the child's back, lullying Naruto to a well needed sleep.

'I really am going to need to talk to the Sandaime tomorrow if Naruto gets spooked this badly about being alone..'

Kekkei Genkai*= Literally meaning 'Bloodline Limit', are abilities passed down genetically in specific clans i.e. the Uchihas have the Sharingan, and the Hyuga have the Byakugan, but what Shiro is referring to is the Uzumaki bloodline/kekkei genkai of chakra chains.

Sandaime*= Literally meaning 'Third' is what is used to reference the Third Hokage; Sandaime Hokage, but can also be used for the other Third Kages of the Great Nations.

Hope you enjoyed! And sorry about the slow updates.

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