Chapter 5

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(3rd Person P.O.V.)

     Naruto wiped the sweat off his forehead as he rested his palm on his knee, heaving for air. Shiro, with his hair in a high ponytail along with his bangs being clipped, rewrapped his bleeding fists. Naruto groaned as he lost his balance and tumbled backwards onto his backside, squeezing his eyes shut to shield them from the sun. 

     "We've-ugh," Naruto let out a harsh cough of saliva, "We've been training for-haah, I don't know how long-ahg, but it must've been a while!" Naruto heaved in broken sentences. Shiro just swiped a bead of sweat from his chin and chuckled. "Calm down kid, we've only been training since sunrise, and that was around 4 today. It's barely 1 in the afternoon you big baby."

     Naruto sat up abruptly, "That's about 7 hours!"  He clutched his side, letting out another groan in discomfort, "I don't see why we have to fight each other to the 'death' , " Naruto added air quotes sloppily,"if we're just training-I mean-come on! I'm bruised and tired and you're half a drop of blood away from passing out!" Shiro kneeled in front of Naruto, resting his elbow on his knee, "Well, squirt, if you want to even think about passing the graduation exams if you can't beat me then you got another thing coming besides a kick to the side." He roughly got back up and nudged Naruto up as he walked past. "I can use something to eat right about now. How does dango and tea sound?" Naruto's eyes glittered, "That sounds great!"

----------TIME SKIP OF 20 MINUTES BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE; Why has barely anyone nominated who they wanted Naruto to end up with? I had to push back the date since I wanted all of your guy's opinions. If this keeps happening I'm sure a few friends of mine would be glad to vote. I'm trying to be a good author!----------

(Shiro P.O.V.)

     Naruto is doing amazing, at this rate I might have to convince the Hokage if I could be allowed to take him across the Elemental Nations after he becomes a genin. He just has so much potential, so much that I'm a bit intimidated. He's already learned how to tree walk, so how long is it until he masters it and takes on water walking? It makes me fearful of what the future holds for this precious child, there's too many people out there that want him dead. 

     "Oi! Ojii-neesan! Why aren't you listening?!" 

      I turned swiftly to see my cute little apprentice puffing out a cheek in annoyance, letting out a smile when I began to ruffle his hair roughly at the rude nickname. "Sorry, sorry, I was just thinking about how we can further your chakra reserves and your arsenal of taijutsu* forms, maybe we can start working on fuinjutsu* and ninjutsu*." I let out a laugh while patting Naruto's back as he had began to cough on his dango in surprise. "Really?! I can become as strong as you and Ji-chan?" I smiled, "Of course, Naruto. You may even have more natural talent than I did at your age, since you certainly have abnormally large chakra reserves because of your Uzumaki bloodline-and other things-" I mumble to myself, Naruto not noticing, "so if we were to focus on mastering your chakra and your own fighting style then we'd be well on our way to making you the strongest shinobi in all of the great nations! Maybe even hokage one day, who knows." I could see that Naruto was excited for what the future might hold but his smile quickly dipped as he saw my take my fighting position.

     Naruto dramatically swung his arms into the air, making me chuckle, "Are we seriously going to start again?!" He voiced crudely, "Of course, we still have about 6 hours left of light! Let's get on with it and if it isn't late when we finish then I just might buy us some Ichiraku. It's been a while since we've gone there right?"

     Naruto's eyes lit up, "Got it! Finish all of today's exercises and we can go get ramen? Easy!" I smirked at his enthusiasm.

(3rd Person P.O.V.)

What Do You Say, Naruto? [Hiatus]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن