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"Okay while you take these all to the apartment with the truck, I'll use the car to grab Jimin. His stuff should fit in the trunk and back seats." I pushed the last box firmly into the back of the moving truck and closed the door. Turning to Namjoon, I smiled before taking a glance back to what used to be our old home. Everything felt bittersweet in the moment, and as my eyes grew glossy, I looked away.

"Sounds good baby," Namjoon smiled, leaned against the corner to the truck as he caught his breath. Proud of all our hard work, he wiped sweat from his forehead before stepping toward me and slinking his arms around my waist. Bringing me into his warm chest, we embraced, before sharing a short kiss as we parted to our vehicles.

I got in the car, buckled up, and made my way over to Jimin's. I was already exhausted from the work I'd done prior, but I knew in order to get to the new apartment faster, I would need to help Jimin.

Hopping out of the car, I went into the building Jimin lived in and ran up the stairs to his apartment. Jiggling the door handle, I found it was unlocked, so I invited myself in. Once inside the home, I slipped off my shoes to search for Jimin. I could hear him rustling in his bedroom. As I walked down the short hallway, I observed a plethora of items not packed away. Had he changed his mind? Or perhaps was he just taking the bare minimum?

As I approached his half open door I peeked in, only to find Jimin getting dressed. Had he just gotten up? I knocked on the door and walked into his bedroom, startling him. He gasped before peering over at me with a bright smile and pointing to a few suitcases and a couple of backpacks.

"I narrowed my things down only to the stuff I use and value. Everything else I'm giving to Jin hyung. He wanted to take over my apartment for me so he could get out of Hoseok's house. Something like that." Jimin gestured to the half decorated room with a smile, "For tonight at the new apartment, can I sleep on the couch? I'm leaving the bed here for Hyung."

Everything about his tone was so innocent and soft. I almost felt bad that he would have to sleep on the couch tonight, even if he did do this to himself. I complied with a nod of my head, "Yeah that works! Now come on, let's put your suitcases in the car so we can help Namjoon unload the moving truck."

Quickly I swept two suitcases into one hand by the handles and one in the other. They weren't all that heavy surprisingly. Jimin slung his backpacks over his shoulders and grabbed the last suitcase. With that, we left the apartment after locking it up and went to my car. I managed to fit the three suitcases in my hands into the trunk. The fourth lied in the backseat alongside his backpacks. Once settled, we headed to the new apartment.


"Ah, Namjoon-ah!" Jimin struggled with a box and Namjoon quickly swept it from his hands to keep our belongings safe. Jimin sheepishly smiled before reaching for another box to unpack. "Taetae?" He asked quizzically while holding some of my blouses I used for piano rehearsals. "I've never seen you wear these before... are they for something special~?" He wriggled his brow, and I defused the situation with a single look, making Jimin back down.

I snagged the box from his grasp and set it in Namjoon and I's room. We'd managed to unload everything in a few hours, but the hard part was setting it all up. Namjoon had been working primarily in our bedroom, while I was setting up the living and dining areas. Jimin had been helping us sort through the boxes.

As I set the box down on our bed, Namjoon approached me and swallowed me in a deep hug. I couldn't help but laugh and squirm in his grasp, finally returning the hug once I regained my composure. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, cooing once again to me about how happy and proud he was.

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