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{shorter chapter}

"Look, all I'm saying is, is that they don't have to know."

"That's lying! You know how against that I am! I'm a terrible liar!"

"Ugh fine. What do you think we should do then?"

The walls in our apartment are even lesser than thin, yet I don't think Jimin and Jungkook are aware of it.

I rolled over in bed with a soft groan, tossing my arm over my fiancé beside me. I hung my hand lazily over his back and sighed deeply, trying to cancel out the sounds of the two in the next room over bickering.

I buried my cheek into Namjoon's chest, trying to settle down to rest. After the eventful day we had today, and all the crying I had done, we definitely needed some rest. Somehow it was as though the cosmos knew Namjoon and I's predicament, and was turning the odds against us at the moment.

Their voices came to a halt, and I felt my muscles loosen. A flush of sleep-drunken euphoria washed over me as I closed my eyes in eternal bliss.

Minutes later, their voices echoed off the walls again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I hissed under my breath, sliding carefully out from beside Namjoon and off of the bed. I planted my feet firmly onto the cool carpet and wrapped my robe around myself before trudging out of our bedroom. I began down the hall and stopped at their bedroom door.

"They aren't going to judge us! It isn't like they don't fuck when we're here. So what's your damage?"

"I-I haven't come out! Okay?! Okay Jimin!? I'm uncomfortable!"

As my hand hovered over the doorknob, I felt the sudden urge to drop it to my side again. The argument they were having was clearly personal, and as I stared at the darkly colored door, I found myself unable to intrude.

Instead, I quietly backed up, dismissing the sounds of their voices as I crept back into bed. I slid myself against Namjoon's back, curling up in another useless attempt to block out noise.

At least I had Namjoon's warmth for company as I lied awake.


As time crawled on, slowly the voices began to fall into murmurs. The apartment fell still, except for the sounds of the two boys shuffling out from each other's company.

"Kook, where are you going?" The blond whispered, bringing himself to his feet as he approached the younger. He watched as the ravenette pulled his studded leather coat on over his shoulders, and helped him in zipping it up.

"At least tell me where you're going Kookie," Jimin cooed, wrapping his arms around the younger as he pressed his cheek into the cool leather on his chest. Jungkook shifted, wrapping an arm around the elder loosely and resting his chin on top of his head.

"I'm going to Jin's. I just need some time to recompose, alright? We can talk more about this later in the morning. I promise." Jungkook pressed a small kiss to the top of his thick blond locks before retracting his arm.

"I'll talk to you later, okay? Sleep well."

"You too Kookie," Jimin breathed, reluctantly letting go of the boy. He watched, feeling empty as the younger left the room, closing the door quietly behind.

Jungkook grabbed his keys off the table and shoved them into his pocket before he left. Despite the gelid outside air, he made the decision to walk to the elder's home.

The night sky was inky and dripped with stars, and all life was at a standstill. The only thing on Jungkook's mind was Jimin, and in an attempt to calm himself before seeing Jin, he dawdled. He wandered about the dead town for as long as he could. Once his fingers seared in pain, he decided it would be best to go to Jin's. So thus, he did.

Jimin lied back in their bed, curled up beneath the blankets. His fingers traced over where the ravenette would usually lie, and his lips drew into a frown. Feeling lonesome and craving comfort, he shifted over into the dip on Jungkook's side of the bed. The blond was enveloped in his scent, and his eyes flooded with tears as he thought about the younger. He really just hoped that they would be okay.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕤𝕥 | 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘑𝘰𝘰𝘯Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang