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{Longer chapter <3}

Immersed in lavender scented bubbles that decorated piping hot water, I lied back in the tub, resting my head against the lip of it. I sunk deep, keeping only my head above the water as I released myself into the hands of comfort. The lights were dim, and I closed my eyes to maybe find some serenity amidst my rush of thoughts.

Despite all of today's events, I was able to relax into a more peaceful state of mind. The happy little thoughts of Namjoon and I came to the fore front, and in that moment I felt at home. Maybe my problems truly were temporary and not as large as I believed. 

The longer I soaked in the tub, the more I felt myself begin to ease out of reality. I slipped out of consciousness, seeing nothing wrong in taking a nap. I was too tall to somehow slip and drown in the bath, so I paid no worry to the thought of it.

"The caterpillar looked forward to a life of the butterfly," The silhouette spoke, deep voice calm and steady, "It went into its cocoon and when it came out a moth, it was devastated. The reality of life was once again blurred as perception was a lie, and as were those around them. Had they just learnt to embrace their true colors, they wouldn't be in a conundrum. Perhaps you too, need to find your cocoon, and accept who you become."

"B-But how am I supposed to do that?" Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I begged for more answers. 

"Find your roots, and water them, Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung!"

I jumped at the sudden cold water being flicked across my chest and heaved in thinking I was partway into drowning. When I opened my eyes, all I saw was Namjoon sitting worriedly beside the tub, his brows knit tightly together.

"Tae honey... You've been in here for two hours. You locked the door and weren't responding and I was so worried..." His voice was laced with concern as he carded his fingers gently through my hair, pushing it back from my face. I rubbed my eyes with closed fists before peering back at Namjoon more clearly.

He smiled before reaching down and pulling the drain on the bottom of the tub and leaning back to grab a towel. Without hesitation, I stood up and allowed Namjoon to wrap me in the soft cloth. He helped me step out of the bath, which lead into me being carried to our bedroom and set onto the bed.

Before I could speak, Namjoon had left the room in search of another towel, so I sat alone on the bed, feet dangling off the edge. The air was brisk and chilly since the bedroom window was cracked open, and I was only covered by the towel.

Namjoon came back in, a deep purple towel in hand, and he dried my hair off best he could before handing me my pajamas. I stood to further dry my body off, but he was helping me with that too before I could interject. Instead of putting up a fight, I just allowed him to. Afterall, I was still drowsy from the nap I had taken.

Once completely dry, I slipped into my pajama bottoms. I skipped the pajama top and walked to our closet, bringing out one of Namjoon's baggy shirts and slipping it over myself. I felt more comfortable knowing I had a little piece of him with me wherever I went, no matter how cheesy it sounds.

I went back to our bed and plopped down on it, lying on my back and watching the blades of the ceiling fan turn slowly. I yawned and rubbed my eyes once again before feeling the bed dip beside me. I rolled on my side only to be met with Namjoon's face beside mine. I giggled and playfully pushed his chest before rolling away from him on the bed.

Just as I had begun to slip away from the darker thoughts and into softer ones, I was brought right back into them when Namjoon's warm expression drew serious. My lips dropped from a smile and I curled up on my side, clutching a pillow close to my chest for comfort.

I watched Namjoon expectantly as if he were to speak, though he never did. After a few shared minutes of silence, it dawned on me that he was waiting for me to start.

With a quiet sigh, I parted my lips and thought momentarily before voicing myself.

"Namjoon-ah, I'm worried I've done something I regret." I whispered slowly, inspecting his features for any signs to stop. When he simply raised a brow, I caught my breath to continue. "I...I'm worried for a few things," I began again, trying to gain the confidence to speak above a whisper, "And they involve you-"

"Are you wanting to break up?"

Namjoon's voice pierced through the bedroom, and any courage I had disintegrated. His voice had cracked and his eyes held a discomfort in them I never hoped to witness again. His lips pursed tightly downward and quivered slightly, and I felt my heart begin to break.

Namjoon was hurting too in ways I've been to oblivious to see. These past few days, had he been feeling down and I been unaware? I shoved my thoughts back and shook my head defensively. "No Namjoon no! I love you so much, I never want to leave you!" I cried out quietly, shuffling on the bed over to him and grasping him tightly to my chest.

"I was worried about having taken your dream from you, a-and I really miss spending so much time with you like we did." I cradled his head against my chest, tenderly stroking at his thick, brightly colored hair. I buried my nose into it, inhaling the sweet, masculine scent. "Were you worried I didn't love you?"

Large hands clasped around my back gently as the elder eased into my grasp. He took a deep breath before lifting his head from my chest and meeting my gaze. "I was worried you would grow out of me, and I understand that's foolish to think but Taehyung you're so talented a-and you're the most gorgeous person I've ever me-"

I couldn't handle the pained look in his glossy eyes any longer so I closed the gap between us. I wanted to kiss away the insecurities and give him silent reassurances. We were both a spiraling mess of doubt, and I felt immensely upset with myself for not having noticed.

We've only been here in Seoul less than a week, and despite such, the impact on us was great. Neither of us considered the sudden change of lifestyle, neither of us realized the consequences of the changes until now, where we lie, holding each other for comfort.

In our silent moment, the kissing strung out into something more heated, yet we lost thought of the worries though. We delved into one another, and for once, it was something more fond than ever before. Our bodies entangled in a tender mess against the sheets, but it didn't matter to us that Jimin was home that night. 


{a/n: Long double update! I was on a spree today and I wanted to upload what all I had prepared. Sorry for the angst, but I promise it will get better! Anyways I love all of you readers so much! You make me feel loved <3}

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