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It was abrupt and felt rude, but I had told Namjoon I'd rather not talk about the nightmare. After then, we spent the rest of the night in silence.

I was curled up in our bed, doing research on my phone about Yoongi. When it came time for lights out, I dropped my phone on the bed and closed my eyes in exhaustion. I couldn't wait to sleep, but with it came the start of another day of training with Yoongi.

I had warded off actually resting for as long as I could, all up until my body finally forced me into submission.


Light filtered through the parted blinds in waves of bright yellow which obscured my vision. I sat upright, hazy toward my surroundings. With a large yawn, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stood up from bed. Glancing back to the alarm clock on the bed stand, I was taken aback at how early I'd awoken.

A wave of confusion flushed over me as I tried to figure out why I was awake. I gave in eventually and shrugged it off, taking advantage of the extra time.

I slipped out of Namjoon and I's bedroom and into the kitchen, where I put together a nice blend of subtle tasting teas to wake up with. The smell of honey and chamomile mixed sweetly with a pinch of blueberry, and it was the perfect start to my morning.

Cup in my hand, I tip toed carefully to the living room, sitting down on the plush couch and resting my cup on the end table beside the arm rest. I watched the sun filter through the curtains as it rose and relaxed. Leaning my head back to close my eyes, I was pulled back into reality by the sound of the front door opening.

Startled, I jumped up, hiding behind the side of the couch. I peeked over, heart in my throat, expecting to see an intruder but instead, all I saw was Jimin. I sighed in relief, then agitation, before standing up from the couch and bringing my hands to my hips defensively.

"Hey! Where have you been?" I whisper yelled, and Jimin smiled sheepishly toward me, careful about shielding what was in his hands. I squinted towards him and he bit his lower lip, looking away. "Answer me Jimin! I thought we discussed that you have to leave a note on where you're going, just in case something happens. Why did you leave without doing that?"

The blond wriggled his feet out of his boots and hung his head low. The collar to his coat was raised and hiding his neck. Immediately my suspicions grew, yet before I could question it, Jimin had sighed in defeat and placed his hands up in mock surrender.

"Okay Tae you caught me... I'm sorry. I should have let you guys know I was leaving last night, and I'm sorry I didn't." Jimin carded a hand through his shaggy hair, pulling through knots and wincing in the process.

I frowned, stepping back and grabbing my tea to take a sip of it. I didn't want to fight this early in the morning, so I dismissed him with a look. I watched as he made his way to his bedroom, quickly closing the door behind himself.

Why was Jimin sneaking around? I couldn't piece it together really. Was he seeing somebody? He'd tell me... right? We're still best friends too, right?

I shook my head to clear it of any other thoughts and instead went ahead to get ready for practice. Whatever this morning was, could be dealt with later.


I rushed up to the double doors, pushing through and back to Yoongi's work space. I opened the door, careful to set my bag down without ruffling my belongings inside. I certainly didn't want to crush the sandwich Namjoon had made for me.

I walked over to the piano and peered at it hesitantly. Memories of the nightmare flooded back to me and I swallowed hard, forcing myself to sit down on the bench and prove to myself it wasn't real.

Once I was comfortable, I brought out the sheet music from the day prior and began to practice it. I arrived half an hour early so I could warm up before the actual lessons began. As I played in the comfort of my own company, all I could think about was Namjoon.

Had it not been for that bet, for Namjoon, I wouldn't even be here right now. I downcast my eyes as I felt guilt engulf me.

Had I taken Namjoon's dream away from him?


{A/n: Wow you all are the best seriously! I can't believe all the love this story is getting... I honestly can hardly believe it! You all make me so proud to write. Thank you for everything <3}

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