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"Yes, as soon as possible. That woman looks innocent, but she wrote an article so grotesque about me that it almost ended my career. I can't have her noticing me and making more bull shit up." Yoongi sighed and sucked down the last of his coffee.

I nodded my head in understanding and waved Jin over so we could get the check. He was quick to arrive back with our change, and a styrofoam cup so Jimin could take his smoothie with him.


We sat, deep in the expansive park. Traffic was low, leaving for there to be barely any other people here. Jimin swung on the swing which was roped to a large tree, singing happily to himself. Namjoon and Yoongi were deep in some intellectual talk I didn't feel smart enough to understand. I simply watched the others as I lied back on the grass.

I pressed my head against the grass, closing my eyes as the sun embraced my cheeks. The warmth felt so loving and reminded me of when Namjoon would hug me. I giggled inwardly before quickly being yanked up from my daydream. When my eyes opened, I found myself sitting in somebody's lap.

Gasping, I looked behind me, only to see a much smaller form behind me. There Jimin sat, arms clutched around me tightly as his little hands rested on my stomach. He grinned as he rested his chin against my shoulder. "Taehyungie~!" He cooed, gently squeezing me. I let out a small laugh and tried peering back at the boy.

"Taetae~ I have a secret to tell you! But I need you to promise to not tell anybody!" I raised a brow, hastily removing his grasp from my sides and facing him. I always promised myself to not be nosy, but I couldn't help it. It had been a while since Jimin had a 'secret', and typically that meant he had a crush or something similar.

"Yes Jiminie! I'm all ears!" I glanced behind me to the other two who were deeply immersed in their conversation. They hadn't noticed that we had scooted away from them. Jimin grinned so wide his eyes were forced shut, and he erupted into a giggle fit before shaking himself back into reality.

"So I learnt that Yoongi hyung is open to dating either gender~" He cooed, his voice seeming more seductive than before. Surely this meant he had something up his sleeve. "And so while we were in the cafe, he grabbed my hand beneath the table and held it. I didn't even initiate it, but when I tried to pull away, he wouldn't let me!" Jimin flushed and pressed his hands onto his cheeks to hide it. "So, I think that hyung likes m-"

"Taehyung-ah!" Yoongi called, waving Jimin and I over. I apologized to the defeated looking Jimin before going back over beside the two men. Namjoon invited me into his lap as I sat, and Jimin planted himself down across from us. 

Yoongi held out a notepad, where he'd been storing notes of what Namjoon had said about me. I skimmed it over and nodded my head. "This sounds pretty clear. So what of it?"

"It's my analysis of you. On the back of this page are songs I'd like you to practice learning come tomorrow morning. I think they fit your personality." Yoongi flipped the page over for me and pointed to the list of titles. "Choose one or two that you like best, and those are what I'll help you with first. I'll message you the details later about how to get into the building to the training center and such. Okay?"

I nodded my head again, bringing out my phone and taking a photograph of the song names. I handed the notebook back to Yoongi, who placed it in the small bag he'd brought with him. It felt surreal, still. As of tomorrow, Yoongi was to quit being a friend, and start being a mentor. My stomach sank with nervousness and I hid it behind a soft laugh.

Things had fallen quiet between all of us, and Yoongi stood after a few minutes. As he dusted himself off, he collected his items and gave a curt bow. "I need to head back to the agency. I need to practice myself. Anyway, it's been nice seeing you all. Don't hesitate to send me a message." We all bid him goodbye and watched as he made a speedy exit, clutching his phone in his hand against his ear.

I turned my head to the other two with a wide grin, "Let's go explore! This city is huge, and I mean today is basically my last day off, so let's make the best of it!" The other two gasped at the thought, quick to hop aboard with the idea.


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