Chapter One

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This is not how I thought my wedding would be.

I didn't imagine I'd be standing in a small venue decorated with dusty plastic flowers surrounded by loud drunk mafia men.

The best part? I'm marrying a man I don't even know.

Let me go back a bit. The only reason I'm here is because my father sold me off to Yoongi's mafia as a payment. His gambling addiction landed him in an incredibly large debt that he was unable to pay off. I guess Yoongi decided I was worth enough to cover that debt and my own father decided the tie would be good for our family. 

So here I am, standing in the waiting room in a wedding dress, waiting to be married to Yoongi. One of the most dangerous men in Seoul, Korea.

When I walked down the aisle to the slow music, Yoongi didn't even look my way. He seemed so disinterested for someone who decided I was better than money. Although, if I'm being honest, he looked amazing in his tuxedo and with his messy hair hanging in his eyes. But does that matter when you don't love the person you're marrying?

The entire ceremony was over in about an hour. The after party didn't last very long as Yoongi wanted to go home. He talked to a few of his members and moved on to the food table, grabbing a strawberry and looking my way as he ate it. 

"Don't let him intimidate you, he's harmless," Jimin, a member of the mafia said handing me a glass of champagne. 

"What exactly does he do?" I asked. Jimin smiled, his eyes turning into a smile as well.

"He manages what we do in our jobs. Although, that man over there, Namjoon, he's our boss. But, we make the deals, Yoongi takes care of the people who don't pay back, for example, your father."

"So, he doesn't do anything other than that?"

"Well, no he does, just nothing I can actually tell you about," He winked, "Come take a seat, let's eat before you have to leave. Yoongi won't feed you," He glanced at him and frowned. 

Jimin had left the table we were sitting at and started to dance with another guy. He was handsome and tall. Wearing Gucci?

I laughed at how weirdly they were dancing. Gucci boy took off his jacket and started swinging it around his head as Shawn Mendes In My Blood played. He started singing it as well, his accent as he sang in English was strong. 

Yoongi was talking to his friends, laughing loudly at something someone had said. He glanced over to me and saw how I was just leaning against my hand, sitting on the table with four empty glasses next to me.

"Let's go home," He said walking past me. 

He opened the door and stepped into the wet side walk. He walked towards a red Lotus Elise. I sighed and picked up my dress, walking in the puddles from the rain and threw my body into the passenger seat. 

"Oh my god," He said looking at me, "This car is expensive, be careful."

I glanced over at him as he stared back at me. After a minute, he sped off in the car. He turned on the radio and moved his head to the beat of some rap song that came on. 

"The maids put all of your shit-," He paused," stuff in a spare room for you," Yoongi said suddenly. I looked over at him in shock.

"What do you mean my stuff? How did you get it?"

"Your father brought it and dropped it off."

I didn't say anything. I just looked back out the window and stayed silent, listening to the faint sound of the radio.

When we pulled into the cobblestone driveway, my jaw dropped. The main house was huge, it had red bricks with windows and balconies. The lights shone brightly through them as the sun was setting behind it.

Yoongi stepped out of the car, watching me walk around the car to get next to him.

"This is your new home," He fixed his suit and looked up at the house, "close your mouth, it makes it look like you've never seen a house like this."

"Because I haven't Min Yoongi," I mumbled under my breath. His face snapped towards mine, his thin black hair blowing in the wind., "In case you didn't know, my family is poor because my dad spent all of our money on his gambling addiction."

"Just come inside, smartass," He grumbled.

The interior was just as amazing as the outside of the house. The red curtains hugging the big window. The floor was marble, almost similar style to the one outside. The split staircase was lined with tan carpet, matching the floor, leading to the upstairs. which is where Yoongi was heading. 

"I'll show you your room," He turned left and shoved his hands into his pocket. I shamelessly followed him up there. I gasped when I saw the hallway, leading to six other rooms. I turned around and saw the other side of the house had about six doors as well. The doors were large and wooden. 

"Come on," He said softly, "Your room is here." 

I turned around and saw him standing by an open door. I walked over, my heels clicking on the floor killed the silence in the house.

I came next to him and looked into the room. It was empty except for a bed with a fluffy white duvet and some pillows. He watched as I walked into the room and leaned into the door frame. He had a small smile on his face. 

"Your bags are in the closet, your clothes should be hung up and folded, blah blah blah. This room is yours, so do whatever you want with it."

"Really?" I asked, turning to face him. He nodded, "I could put up posters of this K-pop group I like?"

Yoongi made a face of disgust and then looked away, "Your room, do what you want."

"If you need anything just holler for a maid. I'm going to be in my room," He was about to close the door but stopped, peaking his head back in, "My room is down this hallway, last door on the right," He smiled softly and closed the door.

 Leaving me to my self.

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