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NEW NOTE: This is a story from one of my other account. I have a few chapters done, but this is not complete yet. Anyway Enjoy!
A/N: Hello Everyone!! My name is Emily7love! This is my 2nd fan fiction. To read my other work just simply go to my profile. Follow, love, comment, and most of all enjoy!! <3


Chapter 1

I had started ever morning with a peaceful walk through the woods that surrounded the small town I lived in. Ever since the time I could walk, I had begun the day this way. My dress flowed freely, and I had a flower crown that sat atop my head. The sun was high in the sky, shining down on the small town that I called home.

Then something changed. The skies above became dark and the trees around me became still. Next thing I know, I'm running, picking up my dress as I went. Occasionally, I would sneak a peak behind me to see if my chasers were gaining. Every time I looked back, they became that much closer.

I come to a dead end, a cliff with a waterfall stopping me from running and getting away. The man chasing me was deranged and cruel, a man no woman should be married to.

"You really thought you could get away?" He taunted, a wicked smile forming on his features.

I looked to the water behind me, then to him. Next thing I knew, I was turning away from him and running toward the cliff, ready to jump and get away. Right as I hurled my body over, I felt a sense of falling back into my body, and opened my eyes.


The sweat dripped down my temple as I sat up in shock, breathing hard. It had just been a dream. Not real. I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead with my raggedy blanket and threw my legs over the edge of my bed, ready to start the day.

I rubbed my face as I stood, still tired and groggy from sleep, but pushed forward. The house I lived in was small and almost really couldn't be called a house at all. It was falling apart, and creaked at night, making it difficult to sleep when it was storming. But it was a home and shelter from the outside.

I began my day by putting on my commoner clothes, some slightly ripped jeans and a green jacket. By the door, which was really an old sheet nailed up, sat a leather quiver filled with arrows that my adopted father had made for me, and a bow. Every morning, I would hike through the woods and get a little bit of shooting practice in.

After pulling the curtain back, I was greeted by my mother. I had run away from my real home about 2 years ago and never looked back, never wanted to. Needless to say, I was happy here. My father's name was John, and my mother's name was Carol. John was a tall, but skinny man, covered with a deep brown tan from working in the fields all day. Carol was much shorter than John, but she was strong. She had blond curls that were slightly out of control on hot days. Her face would be porcelain if it weren't for the dirty that always covered her face. Most people around here were always covered in some kind of dirt. It didn't help much that many of the houses around the little town had dirt floors along with no windows to keep the dirt out.

The town didn't always use to be like this, run down, and poor. Around 3 years ago, the town was just the opposite, but when the queen died and the oldest princess went missing, the king became depressed and dark. Sure, the kingdom had another princess, but she was young when it all happened and couldn't take over. But she was now becoming of age to marry and take over, which would be a good change for the kingdom.

"Good morning, (y/n). How did you sleep last night?" My mother asked, washing some cherries in the sink. I shrugged and grabbed one from the basket, popping in it my mouth and carefully chewing around the pit. "It was alright." I answered scrunching up my face at the slight sour taste. She laughed at the look on my face and gently shook her head. "Got a bad one, eh?" I nodded and spit the small pit out into my hand before throwing it out the window.

The Princess, The Chief, and The Servant [Hiccup X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now