Day 1 (pt. 1)

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A/N Hello everyone! Thanks for being so patient and for the motivating comments. Please enjoy this one, part two will be up soonish!

For the picture: (Eliza on left, (y/n) on right)

Chapter 5

The next morning, I awoke to the sunlight shining through my somewhat open window. The light allowed me to spot the dust bunnies that were dancing around my room. Outside, I could hear a bird singing, reminding me of Stryh. I sat up, feeling the cold morning air wrap around me as I did. Why was Berk so cold?

After sitting there for a minute and allowing my arms and legs to adjust to the cold, I put my feet on the ground and walked slowly to my window. Looking outside, I could mostly only see Hiccup's house. Behind the house was some woods, and just on the other side, I could see the sun rising. On top of the young man's house, stood a black dragon with a distinct red tail fin, but only on the left side. I'd never seen a dragon like that before. I guessed that it belonged to Hiccup since it was sitting atop of his house.

I stepped back from the window and closed the shades before turning to go and get dressed. I really only had one outfit. Some plan slightly ripped shirts from home, royal guard wear that I wore over the shirt, and different pairs of black pants, also with some leather armor for my legs. (See pic) I put on the outfit then ran a brush through my hair before pulling it into a french braid. I grabbed my quiver and bow, planning to be back before anyone else woke up. It had to be around 5:00 am, and usually people woke up at 7:00 or 8:00 am, so I figured I would be ok.

I walked down the steps quietly then laced up my boots by the door. I opened the door and headed out into the dewy grass, taking in the morning air. Berk was a rather pretty place. The buildings were very unique and the trees in the woods were mostly pine trees.

At first, I stood outside the tree line, looking to see if I could find an easy way in. Near Hiccup's house, there seemed to be a path that lead into the woods. The weeds that were along the woods line were stomped down slightly. I walked over the were the path was and entered through there, seeing that there definitely was a path there.

I followed it a little ways, not planning on walking the whole path, just to see where it went. I just needed a good place to set up for a little shooting practice, and maybe a little sword practice. I did need to work on fighting with my sword, especially since I didn't have the fighting arena like we had back at Stryh.

I eventually found a good spot a little ways down the path. Off to the right side was a clearing with only a few grown trees, perfect for practice. I started by carving a target on one tree, the circle looking rather horrible and jagged. I shrugged at my work, knowing it didn't have to be perfect. Just enough so that I could know where I needed to hit the tree.

I drew back an arrow, hitting target right on. Shooting was always very easy for me, I never really missed my target. After only a few shots, I pulled the arrows out of the tree, putting them back in my quiver before grabbing my sword. I did a few exercises with it, adjusting to the weight before attacking the tree. On some occasions, the blade got stuck, making it a little difficult to actually get in good practice.

This was one of those times. I swung at the tree a little too hard making the blade go deep into the tree. I groaned and began to hard task of trying to pull the sword out.

"What did that tree ever do to you?"

I jumped slightly at hearing the voice, then ripped the sword free from the tree, turning on the figure.

"Ahh! Wait no! It's me! Hiccup!"

I sighed upon seeing it was only him, dropping my sword and placing it back in its sheath. His hands were up, defending himself. They slowly lowered once he realized that my weapon was away.

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