Pinky Promise

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Chapter 9

When I finished my story, I almost forgot that Hiccup had been sitting right next to me. I have never told anyone that story. Ever. And right as I said those two words "I'm her" I got a horrible feeling in my gut that I should not have told him anything.

I finally met his gaze after a few seconds of silence to see them wide open, his jaw dropping slightly and his brows creased slightly. He actually looked kinda funny.

"You're what?!" He finally asked, getting to his feet to look down at me.

"I've never told anyone that story! And you can't either. Promise me, Hiccup." I stood and stuck out my pinky to him. He didn't even seem to acknowledge my words and continued to stare like I was a wild animal. I repeated myself again, this time quieter, "promise me."

"I-I have so many questions. How? Why? What? How again?!" He seemed to go a little frantic, running both hands through his hair. He began to pace slightly, and I let my hand drop to my side before grabbing his shoulders gently but firmly, which caught his attention, and I looked him in the eyes.

"Please Hiccup, I'm serious. You can't tell anyone! You have no idea what they'd do me. You have to promise me to keep this between us."

He was silent for a moment, just looking me back in the eyes. Then, they softened and calmed down a little. "Ok," he nodded his head slightly, "I won't tell. But I think you should." I shook my head, "no way. No one can know Princess (y/n) is alive. The grieving has passed, and I can't reopen those wounds. Now-" I let go of his shoulders and held out my pinky again.

"What?" He asked looking at my finger. "What are you doing?"

"It's a pinky promise? Have you not heard of that?"

He looked at me like I was almost insane. And I guess in a way, I probably was. I had run away from home after letting some guy hurt me, which hurt everyone else more, and basically traded a life of luxury for poverty. I guess you could say that I was a little crazy. He shook his head, "no, I've never heard of a pinky promise."

"Well give me your pinky and lock it with mine. If you ever tell anyone my secret, I get to break your pinky."

"What? Why you I want to agree to that?"

"Because if you don't I'm going to punch you."

"You sound like Astrid." He mumbled. "Ok fine here." He wrapped his pinky around my own and said, "I promise I won't tell anyone your secret."

I sighed and allowed my tense shoulders to relax. The feeling in my gut that was bothering me just a second ago had faded now that Hiccup told me he wouldn't tell anyone. I dragged a hand from my hair, catching on a few tangles, and let out another breath.

"Thank you."

He nods once then shuffles on his feet, something clearly on his mind. "Can I ask you some questions though?" His eyes look almost guilty for wanting to ask, but I didn't mind. He knew already so might as well let him ask away. I nod and sit back down on the grassy spot we where in earlier. Seconds later Hiccup sits next to me.

"So, first question. How did you hid it? Like what happened to you after?"

"Well," I started, thinking back to those times 2 years ago. "After I hit the water, I had a horrible burn from the water. My skin around my knees was torn open, same as around my face and really everywhere. It stung horribly and was bad that the gentle breeze make it feel like fire.

After I was out of the water, I dragged myself to some nearby bushes and hid while the other men raced down to look for me. A piece of my dress had torn off and was floating in the water. They didn't even check to see if it was me, they just assumed that my whole body was with it.

The Princess, The Chief, and The Servant [Hiccup X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now