Once Upon a Time

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A/N: WARNING slightly mature content! Not too bad but still just a warning. This will explain a lot of the back story so I hope you all enjoy it!! It's short but yeah, enjoy!

Chapter 8

"Wha-what do you mean?" I found myself saying. I turned away from him and went in search of my knife that I had dropped earlier. It was quite easy to find since the metal blade glowed in the moonlight. I reached down and picked it up by the blade before tossing it once and catching it by the handle. I slid it back into the pocket by my ankle, hoping Hiccup wouldn't question me again about Dagur.

"(Y/n)?" I jumped. His hand was resting on my shoulder and slowly trying to turn me to look at him. When I wouldn't let him turn me, he let out a long sigh and walked in front of me instead. I met his eyes briefly then shook my head and walked a few steps away.

"It's really nothing. He must have just had me confused with someone else." I final say.

"I know that you're not telling the truth." His voice was low, and I could hear him walking over to me yet again. This time, I turned and looked into his shiny green eyes. They were so kind and gentle and seemed to read me like a book.

I got lost in his eyes for a moment but was quickly brought back when I felt his hand slip into mine. My breath was cut short at the feeling of his hand. It wasn't soft in any way. In fact, it was rough and corse, but the way he held my hand was so gentle.

"Come with me." He motioned over a little ways to a soft patch of grass and sat down, pulling me down next to him before letting my hand go. "I know you're hiding something," he started. "Your eyes hold so many secrets. You try to hide it with this ruff shell you've made by being a fighter."

"How would you know?" I ventured seeing his eyes glaze over in memory.

"I do the same thing." He finally says. "In times when my friends are in danger, or I know I might be facing death, I build a wall around me to protect me. Only I use humor and snappy come backs. It's easy when you hurt to try to hide it any way you can. Fishlegs hides it with a nervous laugh, Astrid and Snotlout with violence, the twins with... um, more pain? Still not sure I understand that, but in all honesty I don't think anyone will ever figure them out. Not even them."

Maybe it was the fact that his hand was still inches from mine, or the fact that I hadn't gotten sleep, or even the events that just occurred, but decided to just tell him everything. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, finally ready to tell someone this story.

"I'm going to tell you a story," I began taking a deep breath. "Once upon a time, there were two princesses, a queen, and a king. They were a happy family, who loved all their people. The kingdom thrived, the people where happy, even the dragons didn't bother them that much. It was a time to be alive in Stryh.

But then one day, the king and queen where out for a walk through their village to greet and talk with their people. No one knew that that was the day the dragons decided to raid our village. That happy sunny day was when dragons started to attack.

Everyone tried to hard to protect the royals and get them back to the castle where they would be safe. Right as they were about to run through the doors, a mysterious dragon dropped down between them, blocking the queen from running inside. She tried to run around it, and the guards threw their spears and shot their bows trying to down it. It sprayed her with something and took off into the sky, arrows still protruding from him.

After that, the queen got very ill. She developed a red and purple rash that spread across skin. All her hair fell out, she was vomiting all the time, she was pale and just so sick. No one know what was wrong with her, there wasn't a sure, and she just died. The king became depressed, and so did the daughters. Everyone in the kingdom was in mourning.

Years passed, but the royal family was never the same after that. They closed their doors, and kept everything rather silent. People missed being so close to their royals, and rumors started to go around about the king doing drugs or the something like that. To dispel those rumors, the king made an announcement that his daughter would be married.

The people were so so excited when they heard the news that the oldest princess was to be married. The Princess was excited to get married as well, she had dreamed about being happily married her whole life. As tradition, the king picked her suitor. The best trait about him was that he had a huge army that tracked down and killed dragons, something the king loved about him. His name was Dagur.

At first, he was charming, and kind, handsome, everything the princess could want. He would bring her all sorts of things when he visited, and everyone was starting be happy again, like when the queen was still alive. The Princess saw how happy everyone was, including her father, and thought it was a dream come true. A true miracle that would finally bring the kingdom back to the way it use to be.

But then, her dream guy turned on her. He did things to her that she didn't want to do, abused her in some many ways. But she wouldn't tell anyone. It wasn't just because he threatened her, but it was also because everyone was so happy. She didn't want to ruin it. The people closest to her, her maids, saw her pain, but she forced them to say quiet as well. People were happy, wasn't that her job to make sure everyone in the kingdom was happy? Protected. Safe. She thought she could live with her abuser as long as the kingdom was happy.

It went on for so long. In public, he acted like he did when they first met, and it made the Princess think that he really was a good guy, she really did think that she loved him. The way he abused her, it made her think everything really was her fault and that he was this amazing guy that was going to help her. He only hit her in the places he knew would never be seen. Only the maids who dressed her saw the bruises, scars, and blood. They tried to tell her to show her father and get help, but she wouldn't do it. She wanted, and needed, this peace in the kingdom to last, even if it meant that she would suffer for it.

But one day, he took it too far. Way to far. His eyes so... lustful. His hands were so grabby, and he did horrible things to her body that night. She wanted to cry for help but he threatened her. So she let it happen. Some of her ladies in waiting heard everything and when he left to go to the bathroom, they tried so hard to get her help. She sent them off, but knew they were right.

She lay there the rest of that night with him cuddling next to her, hating herself. She felt used, and dirty. So that night, she managed to get free from his grip, sneak down to the kitchen still bare skinned and grab a pan. When she got back upstairs, she quietly dressed her shivering body and then she hit her fiancé in the head four times, dazing him enough for her to run. She ran down the halls as fast as she could and when the guards tried to stop her, she jumped out the window. That sprained her ankle slightly, and she just laid in the grass for a while, catching her breath.

She then her shouts and horses running from the stables. She got to her feet and ran into the woods, ripping her dress, dirtying her face, and messing her hair up. He chased her for miles, or at least that's how it felt. The Princess finally ran into a clearing by a cliff, and he was there, right behind her. All of his other men had gotten lost in the woods, she had managed to lose them, but not him.

'You really thought you could get away?' He asked, eyes boring into her. 'You really thought I'd let you? If you come home now, I won't hit you as hard, and we can put this all behind us.'

He tired to guilt her into staying, told her he loved her, but she wouldn't do it. She wouldn't get hit anymore or pushed around or taken advantage of again. She turned and ran toward that cliff. He yelled at her to stop, but she jumped with a smile on her face. The water below broke her fall, and her. When she crawled from the water, everyone thought she dead. But they were wrong. She is still alive, and only I know it."

"How?" Hiccup asked, green eyes sparking with curiosity.

"I'm her."


A/N Well I hope that sums it up! Let me know what you guys think.

The Princess, The Chief, and The Servant [Hiccup X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now