He's Here

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Chapter 12

"Yeah go Hiccup!" Stoick cheers as Hiccup tells Toothless to fire, hitting dead center on the target. "That's my boy!" Stoick cheers once again as he hits another target. Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs had already gone before him. Snotlout hit 6/10 target, the twins 4/10, and Fishlegs was leading with 7/10. Now though, Hiccup was finished, and he had hit 9/10 targets. One had been just slightly off, but no one was perfect right.

Once Hiccup had hit the finial target, he walked off and let Astrid take the field. She definitely got points for accuracy. It was amazing watching as she hit every single target dead center. Hiccup had done the same thing, only missing once, but her aim was much closer to the center. Given, her dragon could shoot spikes and Toothless just had a blue fiery plasma blast.

The final scores rolled in, making the scores board read:

Ruff and Tuff
Next up was stealth. I noted that if it were night Toothless and Hiccup would definitely win. I thought back to just the other night when he dropped me off, leaving me to search the sky for a moment. I never would have found him.

Astrid got to go first on stealth. The judges were all blindfolded and asked the audience for complete silence to see if they could determine where the dragon and or the rider were in the arena. Their ultimate goal was to get through some noisy obstacles without the judges locating them. The farther they got, the more they scored.

Astrid made her way through almost everything. She managed to jump the first jump and squeeze through a makeshift tunnel that had bells on it. After a few more moves, she can close to the finish line, but then her dragon bumped a barrel, sending it smashing to the ground. In the quiet atmosphere, it was so loud, and the judges noticed quite quickly where she was. She groaned but gave her dragon love anyway for the great work she did. In the end she made it through 74% of the course.

Fishlegs was up next and really took his time with the first few obstacles. Meatlug came so close hitting everything so many times. The only thing that stopped her from losing at the first one was all the hand signals he was giving her. She picked up on them quickly and was careful.

But, on the first jump, she knocked it over, causing the sensitive boards to come hurling to the ground. The judges noticed and stopped them, only letting them finish 25% of the course. 

The twins got out on almost literally the first step. Ruffnut stepped on Tuffnut's foot, making him groan until his breath and clench his foot in his hand, jumping around ever so slightly. Ruffnut tried to hid her giggles and fell to the floor giggling. She held her sides to try to help fight off the laughter, but some slipped out. The judges I guess pretended not to heard them, probably wanting to give them at least 1% done. Tuffnut stepped over to her once his foot stopped hurting and watched her giggling on the ground. He kicked her, making her stop.

"Why you little!" She tackled him, and they began to fight. The judges just called it off, giving them a 5% somehow.

Snotlout was next, getting past the 50% mark point. It was almost surprising to see him doing so great with Hookfang. But right as that thought passed through my head, she bumped the bells on the tunnel with her tail. The judges took notice and gave him a 55%. He growled at his dragon, saying some pretty mean things if you ask me. But the dragon didn't seem shocked at all. Hookfang just stared back and then nudged him gentle with her head. It was actually kinda cute, until she caught fire, sending him up in flames. He yelled and ran over to a nearby water bucket, pouring it over his body.

Some people laughed, and I was surprised to hear Eliza giggling along with them. She catches my gaze and almost stops completely. But she couldn't hide the smile that was still on her face, or her now held back choked laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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