The Truth About Milk

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The dairy industry has been lying to us for years about our milk. Even if you aren't moved by the heartbreaking stories of hours-old calves ripped from their parents, you should consider drinking less milk for the sake of your health. 

Contrary to popular belief, cows are not meant to be milked by humans and it is NOT good for them. Cows only produce milk after giving birth, which means they must be forcibly impregnated repeatedly over their lives. After being forced to give birth, their babies are stolen from them and put into isolated boxes. Mother cows form close bonds with their children, and they can be heard moaning several days after their child is taken. If the cow had a son, he will be slaughtered for veal. If it's a daughter, she will be forced into the same fate as her mother, treated to artificial insemination by humans on "rape racks," where humans force semen into their vaginas. 60% of them spend their lives tethered by their necks inside stalls that give them no place to move.

While cows normally live eighteen to twenty-two years, the forced pregnancy after pregnancy, coupled with the strain the milking machines put on cows' bodies and the fact that they are forced through biological manipulation to produce 12 times more milk then they would normally, results in them becoming "spent" after about four years. They are then slaughtered.

And contrary to what the dairy industry would have us believe, milk and cheese have been linked to prostrate and ovarian cancer, while a vegan diet is shown to decrease the risk. The cows we get our milk from are pumped with antibiotics, and because of this extreme usage there are many antibiotic-resistant bacteria that develop, which can easily be transferred to humans. Milk is extremely high in saturated fat and cholesterol. This can put you ate a huge risk for heart disease. Better sources for calcium include collard greens, kale, legumes, and beans.

The aim of this campaign is not to force you to become a vegan, or even just a vegetarian. But we don't have the right to eat something if we refuse to look at how its made. In order to make the most informed choices, it's important for us to know the truth about what's going on. All we're asking is for you to learn before you make a decision about your diet. The video above includes real footage from dairy farms, and you are encouraged to watch it and learn the truth for yourself. 


Landers, Timothy F., et al. "A Review of Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: Perspective, Policy, and Potential." Advances in Pediatrics., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2012, Accessed 17 July 2018.

"Calcium: What's Best for Your Bones and Health?" Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, 5 June 2018, Accessed 17 July 2018.

Capps, Ashley. "10 Dairy Facts the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know." Free From Harm, 30 July 2014, Accessed 17 July 2018.

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