Victories for Animal Rights in 2018

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2018 was a good year for animal rights. Veganism continues to rise, as usual. Here are some other great highlights:

England decided to ban pet stores from selling puppies and kittens from mills.

England is also banning shock collars.

South Korea shut down its largest dog slaughterhouse(!)

There's a new bill in the U.S. to end the practice of murdering kittens after they're done being tested on, called the  Kittens In Traumatic Testing Ends Now (KITTEN) Act. The USDA is opposed to it, but let's hope it passes.

California required even more space for farmed animals in cages, mandating specific square footage.

Florida voted to end greyhound racing.

The ban on animal fighting in the U.S. was expanded.

The company Mariott committed to cage-free eggs globally.

India issued a moratorium on any new battery cages.

Scientists making clean meat worked with regulators and are closer to developing a safe regulation plan. This means that soon clean meat (meat grown in a lab rather than slaughtered from an animal) will soon be on the market.

Sales of plant-based meats went up 20% this year.

So overall, an excellent year for animal rights!

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