please Aquaria.. no drinks!

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Miz Cracker's POV

It was around 10pm and we had asked Anna to pull over at "Cybian" nightclub.

"Kameron, let's hope some queens are here!" Kameron laughed and we all walked inside together.

"Wow this is nice!" Aquaria said, intertwining our fingers together.

"It is! We're here for Kameron and plase Aquaria.. no drinks! Every time you drink you get out of control!" She looked at me with a sad smile, held my face with her hands and kissed me.

"I won't tonight, I promise I won't do anything stupid!" I hugged her and then we stood with Kameron.

"Wow! It's like if all the important queens are here!" I said in an almost yelling tone. Aquaria grabbed my arm with both of her hands and hugged it.

"Wow.." Kameron was looking at Blair, star struck. I snapped my fingers.

"Hello? Anybody in there? We came to look for someone who matches your needs. Your 'taste' if you will." She jumped and looked at me.

"Oh! Um.. yeah! Sure.." she looked upset but I was to caught up in Aquaria's eyes to care.

"Who is that over there?" I pointed to Trinity Taylor the plastic queen!

"Its Trinity, sorry Miz she is taken. She has an amazing boyfriend, Rodrey Rodriguez, Raini Rodriguez's brother, and I think she is happy!" I scratched my chin and Aquaria laughed at me.

"What about Shea?!" I pointed at Shea Coulée. She shook her head.

"Shea is with Sasha! I'm not ever going to try and break up such an iconic duo!" I glared at Kameron. Aquaria laughed even more.

"Look Miz, I'm in love.. but with the wrong person!" She glanced at Monét and Blair they were kissing.

"Oh, my god! You like one of them!" Kameron's cheeks grew red and Aquaria jumped in front of Kameron.

"You totally do! Now we need to know who! Even though it would be a shame to break those two up..." Aquaria had that evil glare in her eye.

"Aquaria no. We will let Kameron decide what to do." Kameron smiled as I called Monét and Blair over.

"That was fun!" Monét said.

"Did you find anybody Kameron?" Kameron blushed and shook her head.

"Maybe it's for the better! Hopefully you will fall in love with someone much closer to you!" I looked at Kameron's reaction. She looked relieved, relaxes and happy around Blair. I had a lightbulb moment and almost gasped.

"Aquaria I'll be in the bus, get those two in the bus." She kissed my cheek and followed my orders.

"Monét! How was it out there?" She smiled and sat down on the small sofa in the back of the main bedroom.

"It was great! Blair is a great kisser, I can't even!" I tried my best to keep a straight face. She squinted her eyes at me.

"What? Did anything happen to her?! Is that guy back again because if he is I swear to god ill woop his fucking ass-"

"Relax Monét! Im just.. tired! So um.. yeah.." Aquaria, Blair and Kameron came in.

"Aquaria! What happend out there?" She laughed.

"Well, Blair bought herself a bottle of water.. and Kameron started at her like is she was a damn puppy! She is head over heels!" I groaned and jumped on the bed.

"I'm mad, I love Monét and Blair together! But then again Kameron is lonely! Help me!" Aquaria sat beside me on the bed and hugged me.

"Im sure they will figure it out! Kameron will decide to tell Blair eventually!" I smiled and hugged her back.

Miz AquariaWhere stories live. Discover now