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Aquaria's POV

Right after Monét yelled 'you' she went up to Kameron.

"YOU SERVED ME THAT DRINK! THEN I BLACKED OUT!" Monét threw a punch at Kameron but Blair blocked it.

"MONÉT STOP!" She inhaled sharply and started crying.

"I never meant to hurt anyone.. Blair I was drugged! You need to forgive me.. I would never try to hurt you in that way at all. I hurt Aquaria, I'm sorry Aquaria! I don't even know what I did.." Miz stared at her with a facefull of anger.

"Well, someone gave you drugs and you raped my baby, Aquaria, and now- Kameron why the fuck are you crying?" Kameron frowned.

"I need to pick something up.." I was curious of what was going on so I followed Kameron.

"Im back! Now did the drug work well?" Kameron frowned.

"Yes-" I started filming.

"Yes, but I regret giving her the drug! I love someone else! Why the hell did I do that?! Im a awful person!" The other girl put a hand on her shoulder and frowned.

"People make mistakes, take me as an example! Im a drug dealer.. tell her the truth and then come back here." I ran into the room with Kameron a few footsteps behind me.

"Girls.. I need to confess something.. I gave Monét drugs because I was in love with Blair St. Clair.." All the girls gasped accept for me. I was fine because I knew already.

"WHAT?!" We heard Blair scream and instead of bitch slapping her or screaming, Blair hugged her. We all gasped.

"Why didn't you tell me.." Kameron stared to tear up.

"Because at the time, I was in love with you and I wanted to get Monét out of the picture." Monét hugged Blair and Kameron continued.

"I'm so sorry, Monét.. and I'm no longer in love with Blair, I'm in love with someone else!" She went to the door. She'll probably bring in her drug dealer

"I'm in love with, Thorgy! My-"

"Makeup artist!" Thorgy interrupted and kisses Kameron on the lips. The girls clapped and I glared at Kameron. She probably assumed I was glaring because she made Monét rape because she said:

"I'm so sorry, Aquaria! Forgive me? All of you?" They all said 'yes' and I nodded my head. She lied about her new lover.. and I'm still not forgiving her!

"I've invited Thorgy to stay for the rest of the tour!" All the girls clapped except for me.

"I'm getting some water, be right back." I walked into the kitchen and when I went to pass Thorgy I whispered:

"Makeup artist huh? Funny, that's not what I heard five minutes ago." She looked at me and jumped. I went into the kitchen to get my water and Thorgy came running in.

"Where are you going Thorgy?" I heard Miz say.

"To talk with Aquaria." I saw Miz give her a suspicious look.

"Mind if I tag along?" I smiled at how much she cared about me.

"NO- uh, no. It's about Kameron." Thorgy came in and closed the kitchen door.

"What the hell was that?!" Thorgy half-yelled at me.

"It's called knowing shit, drug dealer." Thorgy gasped.

"How-" I interrupted,

"Bitch, I followed you when you were talking to Kameron a few minutes ago." Thorgy sighed.

"Please! Don't tell anybody my reputation will be ruined!" I smirked and said this while walking,

"Isn't it already ruined? Check your lipstick before you come for me." I swung my hips as I was walking away.



Miz AquariaWhere stories live. Discover now