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Kameron's POV

I don't want to do this.. I'm getting pretty desperate though. I need to text Thorgy...

*text Convo*

K: "Hey Thorgy, I need some very strong drugs."

T: "For what?"

K: "I need drugs that will make a person want to rape someone."

T: "Wow! Your almost turning into me! Your getting pretty crazy Kameron."

K: "whatever, do you have any?"

T: "Yes, it's called 'Release' a new drug invented by me in the lab!"

K: "perfect! How much?"

T: "8,000$"

K: "I'll take it."

*end of convo*

What the hell?! I can't spend 8,000 dollars!? Well... I can for Blair..

"Morning Kameron!" Aquaria said to me. I ran over and hugged her around the neck.

"Im sorry.." I walked into the kitchen and she stood there dumbfounded.

"Uhm. Kameron? What's up with you? You've been acting pretty strange the last two days.." She can't know.

"Oh! I've been very tired and my dad's birthday is coming up.." I lied about my dad's birthday.. I feel awfull! Is Thorgy rubbing off on me? No I'm just in love. I sat on my bed and tried to sleep as Aquaria walked off. I eventually drifted asleep.

Aquaria's POV

I ran into Cracker's room and shook her shoulders.

"Wake up, Miz! Im actually really scared.." Miz sat up almost instantly and held my hands.

"Why, what's wrong my little Aquafina?" I glared at her.

"Im not a damn water bottle. Anyway so Kameron came up to me and hugged me-" Cracker interrupted.

"That's it?" I glared at her.

"No, dipshit, let me explain please! She hugged me and said 'I'm sorry' I asked why, she said something like 'oh its my dad's birthday soon.' Bitch please! She told me her dad's birthday is in december.. what's going on here?!" Cracker hugged my arm.

"You will be okay, I'll never leave your side.." I smirked.

"What if I have to shower?" She smirked.

"I'll shower with you, Aquaria.." Cracker said it in such a sensual tone that made my lip quiver.

"We can't fuck right now.. we can fuck later after Kameron's mini party.. hehe.." I hit Cracker's arm playfully and got out of the bed.

"Your no fun." I groaned as I went to get some food.

"Oh, Monét your so sweet!" I saw Kameron death staring at Monét. What the fuck? Is she jealous?

"Your even sweeter Blairikins!" Kameron looked like she wanted to kill Monét. Maybe that's why she was apologizing.. because she is jealous?

"Kameron, what's for lunch?" Blair said in a sweet voice.

"Anything for you, doll!" Blair giggled and walked away screaming

"Make some sushi!" Kameron laughed and Monét slammed her hand on the counter. I was still hiding behind the door to enter the kitchen.

"What's the big idea, flirting with Blair like that?! Im her lover bitch!" Kameron's smile faded.

"Im aloud to do whatever I want with Blair!" Kameron went to throw a punch  but I went in the middle of them.

"Stop! Calm down jesus christ, you both need to calm down! Say your sorry's and be happy! Kameron has a party tonight." Kameron smiled and Monét smiled back only Kameron's smile looked fake.

"No hard feelings, Kameron!" Kameron smiled evily.

"No hard feelings!" They shook hands and I left.

Kameron's POV

I got a text from Thorgy saying she was here. I ran out to the door.

"Hi again! Here is the money!" She handed me a small packet of gray powder.

"Pleasure doing buisness with ya!" Thorgy left and I put the packet of powder in my pocket.

Three hours later

I laughed and grabbed the powder, poured it into water and watched it disolve. I marked a special sign onto the cup to know what one to give to Monét.

"Here you go Monét! Aquaria, I think you should just drink water tonight.." She nodded her head and agreed. "The drug makes people want to rape anybody that is drinking water, or whatever the drug is taken with."

Aquaria's POV

We were having a good time, Blair was dancing around with Cracker and Monét was going crazy. She finished her drink.

"Aquaria-" Monét yelled, I looked at Monét then she jumped on me. We both fell on the couch.

"Haha! Thats funn- Woah!?" She started kissing my neck. I tried to push her off.

"Get off of me! CRACKER!" Miz Cracker turned around and saw me trying to push off Monét.

"OH MY GOD! SHE IS ON DRUGS LOOK AT HER EYES!" I continued trying to push off Monét and she ripped off my pants.

"CRACKER!!" Miz Cracker was trying to pull off Monét.


"SOMEONE FED HER DRUGS!" Monét started pulling on my cock and I started screaming.

"MONÉT! STOP! FIGHT THE DRUG!" Monét pulled down her pants and slammed into me.

"AAAH!" I squealed as Cracker ran to the kitchen. I was screaming as Monét came in my ass. Miz Cracker hit Monét on the head with a frying pan and knocked her out. I was crying, Blair was crying, Miz was crying even Kameron was crying!

"I-I-I can't date a rapist.. even if she was on drugs!" Kameron turned around.

"Im so sorry Aquaria." I continued sobbing and cried into Miz's chest.

"Shh, it's okay.. here, I'll lay you down in bed.." Miz carried me in bed and I cried onto her shoulder until I fell asleep.

The next morning.

"AAAH!" Miz sprung up beside me.

"WHAT'S WRONG?!" I started crying again.

"Another nightmare!" Miz clenched her fists.

"The next time I see her, I'm killing her!" I wiped my tears and held her hand.

"It's not her fault it's the drug's fault." I got up and got dressed.

"Let's get some breakfast.." I said. Cracker was glued beside me. I walked out slowly, I didn't want to admit that I was scared, but I was terrified! Blair woke up and Monét came out of the bathroom.

"Listen you rapist!-" Cracker started yelling at her.

"You were my best friend! Hell, you were my first drag queen friend! And you go, and RAPE MY LOVER?!" I started tearing up.

"Look, I don't remember anything that happened last night-" Blair interrupted.

"YOU KNOW MY PAST! YOU KNOW I WAS RAPED! I EVEN ASKED YOU TO NOT DO DRUGS AND YOU STILL DID!" Monét stared at Kameron as Blair cried into Kameron's shoulder. Monét clenched her fists.




Miz AquariaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora