Part 3

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The next morning...

I arrive at my class and I can see that someone is already here.

"Oh you come early?" Guanlin greets me.

"You know that my mum is the teacher at this school. That's why I have to come early." I sit at my seat and do something.

"What're you doing? Our class not starts yet." He asks feeling weird because I took out my things. "How can you study in the morning? That's no doubt that you're brilliant."

"Why you praised me? Do you no what, the time is important? So why do we have to let them just go away?" I advise him.

"Okay when a brilliant student is talking...." He feels annoyed hearing those words and continues playing his phone.

I start reading the question. But Korean word takes me more time to understand the question. "Peongc....Peongcc...Ah how can I pronounce it?" I complain.

Guanlin who is playing his phone suddenly stops as he heard me pronounce the word wrongly.

"Yah! Let me see." He turns back to me and takes the paper. "Ahh it's easy one. This we call Peongchang. It's the place where is Olympic Game is held. And if you want to know...."

I look at him who is teaching in front of me. He really looks like a gentleman. I think he is the one who is kind to me in this class if compared to these two beside me.

"Yah are you listening?" He waves to me as I just stayed quiet when he was teaching.

"Huh? Yeah...." Oh gosh I didn't focus what he said just now.

"How couldn't you pronounce it? It's the easy one." He brushes my hair while smiling. His smile is freaking cute and it also suits with his visual. I think looking at his smile also will make you want to smile too. He is such a perfect man ever.

"You know that I'm foreigner." I defend myself.

"But I'm foreigner too. I'm from Taiwan."

"Oh jinjjayo? Your Korean is good."

"My friends here helped me a lot. Hmmm since we are foreigner, should we talk in English?"

"Waeyo?" I'm confused, did he want to challenge my English or what?

"Just.. Yah let me start now. Hello I'm Lai Guanlin, a Taiwan boy who likes rapping."

"Oh you like to rap but I don't like it. I like Park Jinyoung more." I make a joke which is not funny at all but luckily he loves it.

"What're you talking? Hahahah."

We end up laugh together as soon he heard my weird joke.

Then, someone is coming. He is Ong Seongwoo again..."Why're you two talking in English?"

"You don't understand so be quiet please." Guanlin jokes as he knew Ong is not good in English.

"Oh really? Ong can't speak in English?" I'm a little bit shocked. How can someone can't talk in English? It's an international language. But it's not a weird thing. I'm just proud of myself.

"Ani... I can..but little bit."

"So you should speak too?" I start to make him suffer.

"I... Yah you came early? Wow I didn't expect it." Ong quickly changes topic.

"I'm going first before I need to hear you guys fighting. Bye!" Guanlin leaves the class avoiding us, he knew we'll fight again.

"Ong! Couldn't you bother me again?"

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