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  Journal 2: Junior year -
Page 4. 03.06.16 Wednesday -   

"Pha...Forth...wake up.." I tried to wake them up so we weren't late for our flight. They wouldn't move, I sighed and got out of bed and got ready to go, 

"Forth! Pha! wake up we're late!" we weren't late I just needed them to wake up,  

"What?" Forth asked as he sat up and hit Pha's arm to wake him up

"Get up we're going to be late," 

- in China - 

"do you speak Chinese?" Pha asked me as we got into the car my grandmother sent for us, 

"of course I do P',"I smiled and started talking to the driver, my grandmother's assistant Yixing**

"Hāi gēgē, nǐ hǎo ma?"** I asked Yixing in Chinese, which shocked Pha and Forth, 

"I'm good, how are you?" Yixing asked me in Thai, I taught him Thai and he taught me Chinese,

"I'm good, " I smiled

"Shéi shì nǐ shēnbiān de rèmén nánshēng?"** Yixing asked looking at Pha and Forth through the mirror 

" my fiancés" I smiled Yixing remembered that these are the 2 guys I was talking to grandma about

"oh...sorry about that," Yixing blushed cause he was embarrassed. 

"It's ok gēgē," I smiled and he kept driving. 

It took about 2 hours to get to her house, we were gonna take the train but grandma insisted that Yixing drove us. He talked to Forth and Pha and got to know them, and they got to know him, he (Yixing) embarrassed me a lot on the way, I just blushed and hid in the hoodie I was wearing. Forth just put an arm around me smiling while Pha talked to Yixing about random stuff. 

"how long have you been back in China?" I asked Yixing, he studied abroad in Korea for a while,

"2 years," he answered, 

"And you didn't bother to call me? I thought we were friends"I fake cried as a joke, 

"We are but you're busy with school and I'm busy working for your grandmother," he said. I nodded agreeing with him. We finally made it to my grandmother's house just outside of the city, I got out with ForthPha following me, Yixing got our bags out from the back and took them inside. She must have redecorated because it looks a lot different than I remembered it. 

"Grandma! your favorite grandson is here!" I yelled over to the kitchen where she was baking. 

"You're her only grandson!" Yixing yelled coming down the stairs. 

"I know which automatically makes me the favorite"I smiled acting cute. 

Forth and Pha just started laughing at how Yixing and I fight like siblings even though we're not related. Grandma came out shortly after and attacked me in hugs, then hugged Forth and Pha. 

"You treating him well?" and the interrogation starts, I laughed a bit and left grandma to talk to my fiancés while I ate some food and helped Yixing with some of his projects that grandma assigned him. 

- in Yixing's office - 

"Are they treating you well?" he asked as he started working on some new designs, grandma is a fashion designer and Yixing is co-designer. 

I nodded, "Yeah, they're the best." I smiled and kept answering his questions while coloring in the sketches he drew already. 

A few hours past and grandma was still talking to them and I was still coloring and helping Yixing with his work when there was a knock on the door, 

"It's open!" Yixing yelled I didn't hear the knock since I had my headphones in and was working on a few designs too, I would've been an art major but science was always my favorite. 

"Dinner's ready kids," Grandma said as she walked in with ForthPha, Yixing nodded and punched my arm

"Hm?" I took my headphones off and looked up at him 

"Dinner's ready," he said and got up to go get food, 

I nodded and walked out with ForthPha, 

"You didn't hurt them too much right grandma?" I asked hugging her since I haven't really seen her since we got here, 

"Not too much, I'm just making sure they're perfect for my only grandchild," she smiled and hugged me. "Now, let me see that ring," 

I smiled and held up my hand to show her the ring, she was very excited, 

"Rúguǒ zhǐyǒu nǐ de mǔqīn zài zhèlǐ kàn dào zhège,"** she mumbled. i nodded, 

"at least i have you and grandpa," I smiled and hugged her. 

after dinner Forth, Pha, and I went up to our room to sleep since we were still jet lagged a bit from the flight, 

Translations for all the chinese used in the chapter: (not exact translations but very close)

  Rúguǒ zhǐyǒu nǐ de mǔqīn zài zhèlǐ kàn dào zhège  - if only your mother was here to see this

  Shéi shì nǐ shēnbiān de rèmén nánshēng? - who are the hot guys/boys next to you?

  Hāi gēgē, nǐ hǎo ma? - hi brother, (Like P' hyung etc...) how are you?

Zhang Yixing is from a kpop boyband called EXO and he is also a solo artist in China (pitcure/video in the media above is Yixing) is stage name is LAY 

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