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Journal 2: Jr. Year
03.15.18 - 1 Month before the wedding

"Yo, we need opinions on our suits," Forth said as him and Pha walked out of the dressing rooms in their suits for the wedding, one word for how they look, HOT.

"Whoa...." I was speechless, they looked amazing. 

"Looks good right?" Pha asked fixing his tie, 

"You both look amazing," I said,

"Thanks, babe," they both said and then handed me a suit that they picked out for me to wear, 

"I like it, it looks really good with the black," I said as I walked out to show them, (he recently dyed his hair from blonde to black, it confused the hell out of the twins for about a month)

"I like it, it looks really good with the black," I said as I walked out to show them, (he recently dyed his hair from blonde to black, it confused the hell out of the twins for about a month)

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(why is he so cute ?!?!?!? ❤️😍)

"babe, you look hot," Forth was straight up with his opinions, 

"I was gonna say something but there are children in the room, you look amazing babe,"  Pha said. 

"You can tell him later pervert," Ming yelled from where he was playing with the twins in the mini-waiting area.

I just blushed and went to change back into my other clothes so we could pay for the suits and continue getting everything ready for the wedding next month.

"Mama..." Lau had walked over to me when i came out of the dressing room and he hugged my leg,

"What's wrong?" I asked and picked him up,

"S..sleepy" Lau has a little stutter but nothing too bad, he laid his head near my neck and hugged me.

"Wanna take a nap?" I asked as i sat on the couch and waited for Pha/Forth to finish getting dressed

Lau nodded and rubbed his eyes, i smiled and got his blanket out from the bag i brought for them.

"Hao you wanna take a nap too?" Ming asked, Hao nodded and climbed into the stroller so he could sleep.

Hao is very independent and he's understanding that Lau has to be babied more since he is smaller and a bit slower at learning and growing. Hao is just slightly bigger than a normal 1 year old while Lau looks like a a 9 month old but can walk/talk a little like a normal 1 year old.

"You guys ready?" Forth asked holding our suits

"Yea, let me put Lau in the stroller," i said setting him down and buckling him and Hao into it.
They're both asleep.

"Let's go get food," i said and pushed Lau's stroller, we have two separate one's for them since it was just eaiser for us to sperate it. Sounds weird but it was easier on me since im a smalller person and can't push a huge 2-person stroller,

- after getting food/walking home -

"Da!" Lau mumbles when Forth takes him out of the stroller.

"Sorry little one, go back to sleep," Forth hugged him and made sure he went back to sleep

"No sweepy," he mumbled

"No? Whats wrong?" Forth sat on the couch with him while i put Hao in his room.

Lau just points to his stomach meaning he was hungry.

"Oh, you're hungry?" Pha asked sitting next to them, Lau nods and Pha goes to get his food.

I came back down stairs and sat with Forth and Lau, I was looking up places to order flowers and the decorations.

"Pha how much are we allowed to spend on flowers?" I asked, we had a very strict budget since only Pha and Forth are working at the moment and most of our money goes to the kids and everything they need.

"I think it was like 23,177 i think," Pha said. (23,177.00 thai Baht = 700 American dollars)

"Thank you!" I said and searched for flowers under that amount.

- after everything was done for today -
11 pm.

Both twins are fed/changed/bathed and put to sleep, finally, Hao fought it a bit just because he was so tired.

"Hey," Pha said as him and Forth layed next to me,

"Sup," i said and put my phone down to charge before laying with them again,

Pha just smiles and hugs me while Forth kissed me,

*y'all can imagine what happened next*

"Y'all couldn't wait till i left!?" Ming yelled from the living room

"You're very lucky the twins sleep like rocks!" He yelled again before leaving

The 3 of us just laughed *and continued whatever yall imagined*

AN: finally having good ideas for the rest of this story !

I Fell For Them - Journal 2Where stories live. Discover now