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2years after the last chapter
Journal 2: 01.28.20 Twins 4 years old

"Mom!" Lau yelled from his room

"What's wrong Lau?" I asked standing in the doorway

"I don't know what this says and gêgê (in this case little bro) won't help me," Lau pouted pointing to his book.

"Where's Hao?" I asked sitting next to him

"I think he's with dad," Lau said trying to read,

"Alright, " I said and then tried to teach him how to read, (Thai for now and Chinese when they're older)

"Wayo, can we talk for minute?" Pha said as him and Forth walked into Lau/Hao's room

"Keep practicing I'll be right back ok?" I said and kisses Lau's head.

He nodded and kept reading/writing

"What's up?" I asked as they made me sit on the bed in our room

Forth and Pha sat next to me and Forth was holding something

"We don't wanna sound rude/mean/etc..but why didnt you tell us? How long have you not said anything about this?" They both questioned me and Forth handed me the positive pregnancy test i taken a few weeks ago.

"I didn't wanna say anything until i was 100% sure i was pregnant again, I'm gonna see Kit tommrow to find out..." I said not looking at them.

"Babe, you could've told us anyway," Pha said hugging me

"I didn't want you guys to stress out about it,"

"We've been stressing more since you didn't say anything about it, we didn't wanna bring it up and then have you say it was just a prank or a defective test," Forth said.

We had talked about having another baby (just one this time) but we thought it would've been a lot later when the twins were 9/10 maybe. Or at least older than 4 Lau's always talked about wanting another sibling, Hao really wants another brother/sister so he's not the youngest anymore

"I didnt say anything cause i wanted to be sure it was true," i said leaning on Pha's shoulder.

They nodded kind of understanding why I didn't say anything and they hugged me

"Can we go with you?" Forth asked

"If you want to," i smiled and hugged them

- the next day -

"Pha!/Forth! Stop getting the child pregnant," Kit said hitting Pha and Forth in the arm when he came back with the results

"I'm not a child I'm 26 P'," i said but smiling since i was having another kid

"You make it sound like we've gotten him pregnant 10 times," Pha said to Kit

"You better not, i like kids but not that much," i said

"Hey, don't blame us you're part of ho---" Forth was cut off by Kit

"We know what you'll say so please don't," Kit said

"Kit i thought you had a break--- oh! Hey guys," Beam said walking into Kit's office

"Hey P'/Beam" the 3 of us said hi

"You pregnant again?" Beam asked I nodded and Beam then gave Pha/Forth a near hour long lecture on not to get the 'innocent child' pregnant again. .

"But we're still happy for you," they (KitBeam) smiled and Kit hugged me.

"Where's the twins?" Beam asked

"They're with Yixing," i said

Yixing moved here with his boyfriend last year.

"Film their reactions when you tell them they'll have a little bro/sis soon," Kit said

"Im sure one of them will," i said pointing to Pha/Forth.

"Alright, please leave i need a break," Kit laughed and pushed us out of his office,

"See ya later guys!" We said bye and then went back home to just talk about everything and to figure out a way to tell the twins in a way they'll understand.

"I love you guys," i said hugging them

"We love you too, hopefully this time you'll be able to rest/sleep more," Pha/Forth said hugging me before Yixing came over around 6pm with the kids.

AN: another baby! Since someone (sorry i can't remeber ur @ name) commented they wanted to see Wayo have another baby (just 1 this time) next chapter will be the twins/Ming/Yixing/Grandma's reactions to it.

I Fell For Them - Journal 2Where stories live. Discover now