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Journal 2: Junior year - Page 7. 01.06.17 Tuesday

"Yo, you awake babe?" Forth asked as he walked into our room I was holding Minghao and Lau was laying on a blanket next to us, 

"Yeah, they just woke up," I said while Hao kept crying, Lau was just happy rolling around on the bed being weird, he gets it from Forth I think, 

"Lau, what are you doing?" Forth smiled and sat at the edge of the bed so he wouldn't fall off, 

"He's been doing that for 10 minutes, I don't know why,"I said while calming Hao down so he would stop crying, 

"And what's wrong with Hao?" Forth was worried since no matter what he wouldn't stop crying, 

"I'm not sure," I was just holding him trying everything to help him stop crying, 

"Did you try feeding him? he might be hungry," Pha said as we came into the room, he got off work early today, 

"Not yet, that might be what he wants though," I said, Forth got up to go make Hao a bottle, 

"one for Lau too?" he asked before he left, 

"Yeah, thanks P', "I smiled and layed down putting Hao on my chest while Lau was still rolling around on his blanket, 

"He looks so happy just rolling around," Pha smiled and kinda laughed at how cute/funny Lau looked, 

"He's been rolling around since he woke up," I said, smiling finally because Hao calmed down when I found his pacifier. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, Pha picked up Lau and layed next to me. 

"How was work?" I asked when he kissed my cheek, 

"eh, normal stuff, a lot of babies came in so Kit was happy," Pha said, 

"Aww, cute," I smiled and looked over at Lau who was staring at his brother, 

"What's wrong Lau?" I smiled and held his tiny hand when he tried to reach over to me, 

"I think he wants Minghao," Pha said moving Lau to lay in between us so he could be closer to Hao

Lau just kinda waved his arm around towards Hao and Hao started laughing around his pacifier. 

Pha and I smiled watching them 'talk' and play around with each other until Forth came back upstairs with 2 bottles for them, 

"Here ya go," Forth handed me one of the bottles so I could feed Hao. 

"Thanks," as soon as Hao saw the bottle he completely ignored Lau and tried reaching for the bottle, I smiled and took his pacifier out and replaced it with his bottle, Forth sat next to Pha and helped feed Lau, 

How did we get so lucky to have  perfect kids?

AN: short and cute like me 😄
(seriously im only 5'3 - 160 cm)

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