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Sorry for jumping around/long gaps in time between chapters.

Journal 2: Junior year - Page 7. 01.05.17 Monday -
2 months after the twins were born (twins are 2 months old) - Wayo's 24th bday

"Yo, have you seen Lau's blanket? I can't find it," Pha asked while Lau was screaming and wouldn't calm down

"So much for sleeping," i was joking and got up and took the baby from Pha,

"Sorry babe," Pha hugged me and went looking for the blanket he was looking for

"Its ok," i smiled and hugged the little baby, this was Lau (the oldest and but the smaller of the two) and Forth was down stairs with Minghao (the youngest/but bigger of the two)
Forth and Pha wanted them to have Thai names but i wanted Chinese, so we compromised, so we have Lau (thai) and Minghao (Chinese) .

"Found it!" Pha came back over to where i was laying with Lau ontop of me and covered him with his favorite blanket
I smiled and kissed the top of his head while he started to fall asleep.

"That's adorable," Pha smiled at how cute both of us are right now,

"Shut up he's asleep finally," i smiled and also started to sleep,

* insert baby screaming again *

"Or not...hold Lau and make sure he stays asleep," i said putting Lau on top of Pha since he was laying next to us

I got up and went downstairs to see what's making Minghao scream like he's being killed.

"Forth, what happned?" I asked while he was trying to calm the baby down

"I have no idea he was just asleep a minute ago and then woke up like this," Forth was just as confused as i was

I sat down next to them and picked Minghao up from where he was laying on Forth.

As soon has Minghao saw me he immediately stopped crying and layed down with his head near my neck.

"Aww," i smiled and rubbed his back while he fell asleep.

"That's cool," Forth said amazed by how fast Minghao calmed down when i held him.

"It's a mom thing," Kit said as he walked into our apartment with Beam and Ming.
They came over for my birthday today. The angels might come over later along with Yixing, grandma had to leave back to china last week.

"Mhm," i nodded and leaned on Forth's shoulder while holding Minghao.

"Where's Pha and Lau?" Forth asked

"In our room," i yawned a bit, i was nearly asleep when Pha had came in earlier

Forth nodded, "want me to hold him while you sleep?"

"No, he'll just start crying again, remember what happned yesterday?" I said as i moved a bit to lay down while still holding Hao.

"Yeah," he kinda cringed a bit.

- a few hours later -

I woke up kinda confused. I fell asleep on the couch holding Hao, but now im in bed and both twins are asleep in their cribs.
Well, Hao was asleep Lau was wide awake just looking around at everything
I got up and went over to his crib to make sure he was ok,

His eyes lit up and he smiled as soon as he saw me. I smiled and picked him up

"Hey little Lau," i smiled and he kinda laughed (cute little baby laugh) and looked extremely happy.

"Yo, you awake?" Ming knocked on the door and opened it

"Yeah, " i smiled and sat on the bed while playing with Lau making sure he didn't cry at all.

"Which one is he?" Ming asked sitting next to us, he was trying to figure out how to tell them apart, they weren't identical but at 2 months old they looked the same.

"This is Lau, he's the oldest but the smallest, and he loves Pha the most," i said Lau just kept giggling and making his baby noises,

"And the one sleeping is Minghao, he's the youngest but bigger than Lau, and he only likes Forth and me," he needs to spend more time with Pha.

"Well Ofcourse they both love you the most, you're the one that carried them around forever." Ming said as he held Lau,

Lau was just having a great time, he's a very happy and loud baby while Hao was happy and quieter,

We still have our baby kittens, who are now 3 and 4 years old, they're with E'Mon right now he was watching them until we got settled in with the twins, he's bringing them back today though which im very happy about.

"Happy birthday kid," Ming said and hugged me after i set Lau in his crib

"Thanks Ming," i smiled and hugged my best friend/brother

"Dinner's ready guys," Kit yelled from down stairs which woke Hao up and he started crying but saw Lau next to him and immediately calmed down and they started 'talking' to eachother, little baby talk kind of

"Its both the cutest thing ever but terrying at the same time," i said

"Yeah, i can see why it'd be a little terrifying" Ming said as he picked Hao up and I held Lau to bring them downstaris with us

"Pha Forth im stealing your kid," Ming said as he made Hao laugh,

They both just laughed and said no,

Hao was looking around trying to figure out who this person was that was holding him and when he didnt recognize him he started screaming, Forth went of and held him to calm him down,

"He's not used to you yet," Pha explained why Hao freaked out,

Ming nodded and went to help Kit and Beam with setting the table.

"Happy birthday babe," Pha came up behind me and hugged me while making Lau laugh, i smiled and kissed him, Forth them came over and hugged/kissed me as well before we sat down to eat.

"Stop being so cute," Beam teases us

"Hey, you guys are just as cute as we are," Pha said

"No, we're cute cause of the babies," Forth said, i agreed

Lau was sitting on Forth's lap while i was holding Hao.

"They're quiet for once," Pha said

I nodded, "they'll proably start crying soon, or fall asleep, i dont know," i smiled.

AN: i jumped ahead so it would make the story more interesting
The babies are here!!

💚 Lau - born November 15th 2016 at 7:31 pm
Minghao - born November 15th 2016 at 8:00 pm 💛

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