Chapter 7

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"Aww come on. Do we have to leave?" Dust complained.
Night snorted. "Would you rather stay in this stinkin' sewer where there's like no food or a new home with better prey?"
Dust frowned. "I'm not saying I want to stay here. I just don't want to travel again."
"We've stopped traveling for four months, Dust." Night pointed out. "Four months."
Snow nugged Bird out of the pipe. "Come on Bird. The forest has more food than here."

Once the cats finally got out of the pipe, Snow and Night went hunting. Dust stayed with Bird near a tree. "What do you want to do?" Dust asked Bird.
"Hmm..." she thought. "I know! Pretend you're intruding my territory! I'll have to fight you to get you off my territory."
"Okay," Dust meowed. "Sounds like a good game to play." He hid behind a bush and then got out of the bush, pretending to not be seen.
Bird looked at him through her small narrow eyes.
"Hey you!" she meowed. "Get off my territory!"
"This is gonna be my territory soon, kit!" Dust hissed playfully.
"I'm no kit!" Bird exclaimed. "I am the best fighter in the whole forest!!" She leaped at Dust. She started pawing him and then nipped his tail. Dust let out a small yelp and when Bird let go of him, he backed away.
"I'm so sorry for intruding the greatest warrior's territory!" Dust mewed sounding sorry.
"Yeah! Leave my territory, you piece of fox dung!"
Snow appeared suddenly with a sparrow in her mouth. She placed it on the ground. "Here ya go. Night's coming soon."
Then Night appeared with two mice. He dropped them and looked at Snow's sparrow.
"Can I have that?" Night asked.
"You're so greedy!" Snow laughed. "Yeah, of course you could have it." Snow pushed the sparrow to Night.
The tabby started to eat the sparrow while Dust grabbed a fat mouse. "Hey Bird wanna share this with me? I got the fattest mouse and I'm not sure if I could finish it."
"Sure!" she replied happily. She came over and took the mouse from him.
"Hey!" Dust exclaimed. Bird ran and Dust chased her. "Oh, come little warrior. We shouldn't play with our food."
"Aww okay," the kit said. She brought back the prey to him. The two cats then started to eat the rodent.

Whoo! Almost to chapter 10!

The Forest's Shadows: #1 The RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now