Chapter 3

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You arrive at Central Station later with Connor. The two of you enter the building and greet the ST300 sitting at the front desk.

"Can I help you?" it asks, looking up from its work.

"We're here to see Lieutenant Anderson," Connor answers for both of you.

"Do you have authorization?"

"Yes," the two of you say simultaneously.

The LED lights of you, the android behind the desk, and Connor glow a sudden yellow, swirling as the ST300 verifies your authorization. It approves, then speaks again:

"Lieutenant Anderson hasn't arrived yet, but you can wait at his desk." It nods in the direction of the entrance to the office area of the building.

You nod and round the corner, finding the office space with a handful of officers milling about. Connor follows close behind. Halfway across the room, you find the pristine white nameplate displaying "Lt. ANDERSON", followed by the symbol of the department. His desk, like most others, is unoccupied. Looking around, you see an officer sitting at a desk adjacent to Anderson's.

"Excuse me," you say, earning his attention. "Do you know what time Lieutenant Anderson usually arrives?"

"Depends on where he was the night before..." the man replies. "If we're lucky, we'll see him before noon..."

"Thanks," you reply dryly. Anderson's lacking punctuality makes you wonder how he's still the best detective in Detroit.

You lean against his empty desk, and Connor sits in the swivel chair in front of it. Moments later, it stands again to explore the office, beginning with the lieutenant's desk.

Connor picks up his headphones and hits play. You hear dark heavy metal blare through the speakers and recognize it as a song by Knights of the Black Death. You turn back to Connor as it sets down the headphones and continues to analyze Anderson's office space.

At the same moment, the two of you notice the anti-android slogans posted on his cubicle wall. The most prominent and popular one posted reads "WE DON'T BLEED THE SAME COLOUR". It's interesting that he'd be assigned not one, but two android partners. The two of you continue to scan the area.

Along with the hateful clippings, a Detroit baseball cap hangs on the corner of the wall. A picture of several officers leans against the far wall, with notes scrawled in relation to the people in the photo. It's of the Red Ice Task Force, created in 2027. A mostly-eaten box of O'Mansley Donuts is stacked on top of another box of the same kind. 452 calories. How is this man still the best living detective in Detroit?

"Connor." It gives you its full attention. "Was yesterday the first time you've seen an android self-destruct?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Just curious. I haven't been active as long as you have, so I wondered if you'd seen anything like it before," you respond cooly. "It was a rather sad sight. The slow, consistent damage."

"I suppose so," it replies, disposition unchanged by your attempt to cause an emotional disruption.

Almost immediately after Connor's reply, Anderson enters the room and approaches his cubicle.

"It's good to see you again, Lieutenant," Connor says. You smile and wave a hand in greeting.

"Uh, Jesus..." he groans, noticing the two of you for the first time.

"Hank!" A stern voice calls from across the room. Captain Jeffrey Fowler thrusts a thumb behind him. "In my office!"

Anderson rolls his eyes. As he follows the captain's instructions, you and Connor trail behind him into Fowler's office. The lieutenant sits in front of Fowler's desk as Connor closes the door behind the three of you. The captain takes his seat in front of his computer.

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