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"Mr. Wayne, your four o'clock has arrived." Bruce eagerly smiled. "Thank you Lisa, you can tell her to come up now." He spoke into his phone. Soon enough Bruce were met with a brown haired young woman, in her early 20's fairly young as well.

She wore a skirt appropriate for the occasion as well. As for her shirt, short sleeved but buttoned up. No wrinkles had shown. She flashed him a slight smile. "Ms. Bradley, I'm pleased to meet you?" He spoke whilst shaking her hand. "Thank you, I'm glad I could be here." She kindly said as she took a seat, sitting up while fixing her posture.

"So tell me what interests you about the psychiatrist position?" He kindly asked. Eva had cleared her throat slightly. "I've always wanted to work in a place where patients need someone such as a psychiatrist to help them express themselves more freely." She said with a smile, hoping that he'd understand her.

"I see, but working in a place such as Arkham asylum can be quite dangerous as well." He said with hesitation. "I'm a big girl Mr. Wayne, I can handle myself. Besides, I want to give the patients the help they need." Bruce nodded and stood up from his seat, and Eva did so as well.

He shook the girls hand with a smile. "Your hired. You'll begin working Monday morning. I'll assign you to a specific patient, you'll know as soon as I mail you their files tomorrow afternoon." Eva eagerly thanked Bruce, but happy she had gotten her way.

She wanted to be able to help someone and hoped that'd it'd change them as well. Being placed in an asylum full of murderous psychos wasn't something Eva would look forward to but she knew soon enough that she'd adjust.

Eva had arrived at her apartment, exhausted and tired, she slipped her heals off of her feet, tossing them to the side. She hopped on the couch and picking up her remote, turned on her tv to find something interesting to watch.

Eva had fallen asleep, and soon the day had drifted away. The brunette had tiredly picked herself up from her sofa and to her bed. She had immediately fallen into a deep sleep as soon as her tired head had hit the pillow.

Early next morning, Eva had risen now much better, she picked herself up out of her bed, made her covers and got herself ready for the day. She then had descended out into the streets of Gotham. She were chatting with her best friend rose who were blabbing away about how shitty her job were.

"I mean, the fact that I have to work with him makes me want to tear my insides out." Eva hummed with a few mhm's, making sure her friend didn't realize that she were completely tuning her out.

The ladies had entered the coffee shop. Eva stood at the front desk, ordering the usual for the two. She made her way back to her friend with their drinks as well. "Thank you, Evs, really." Eva brushed off her compliment with a smile.

"So did you get it?" Rose asked the girl with a cheeky grin. "Get what?" Eva asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "The job, you idiot, did you get it?" She said as she put her hands on her face as if she were a dog waiting for you to toss a scrap of food to the floor.

"Oh, right, yes I did! I start Monday. Speaking of that I should hurry." Rose had furrowed a brow, watching her friend quickly rise from her seat to gather her things. "Wait? Where are you going?" She questioned. "My boss is mailing something to my apartment and I kind of can't miss it. Sorry." Eva had apologized but rose kindly brushed it off.

"Go, go and catch whatever that package is!" She said before Eva had exited the cafe. Eva quickly made her way down the streets of Gotham and to her apartment in time to catch the mail man. The man had handed her a package, with a smile Eva thanked him and went inside of her apartment.

She sat her self down on her sofa, and placing the package on her coffee table. Opening it up, she felt like she were a child on Christmas, hoping that they'd get something cool and interesting.

She opened up the box, and inside of it was a large book. He wasn't joking when he did say all of this patients files. In fine print it had read 'The Joker' her eyes widened and she now knew who her patient would be. In fact it half scared her more than anything.

The mere thought of being in a room with a murderous psycho who is very well known in Gotham. His reputation proceeded him more than anything. Thinking about the amount of robberies he had been involved in, the numerous amounts of people he's killed.

She had to calm her self, as her heart were now racing with all of the nerves she were feeling. She regained composure, sucking in deep. Eva calmed herself, thinking to herself of all of the possible excuses she could say to Mr. Wayne.

She could simply and bluntly tell him I can't work with a crazy ass fucking psycho, but she knew what she were getting herself into and she couldn't back down now. Eva needed this job in fact she had to keep it for her sake.

Eva knew that Monday would come and she'd have her first encounter with the joker himself. She could almost pinch herself. Most people in her situation would have denied this sort of patient, but she couldn't say no.

Soon enough, Eva began to feel better. She hoped that this first session would go smoothly and that he'd maybe open up even, but she hardly doubted that. She kept herself relaxed as she jotted down a few questions for her session on Monday. To calm her nerves, she brought out her bottle of wine, pouring it into her glass, she sipped it, feeling instantly better.

This is my first chapter, I've written some joker books before but deleted them all. This one I'll take my time on more. I hope you guys like this! Let me know your thoughts 😇

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