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Once Eva had dressed herself. She had felt herself become slightly hungry, so she managed to knock on the door to hopefully get jokers attention. After a few minutes of knocking, she had heard slight echoing of footsteps headed her way. She had stepped back a bit, not wanting to get hit with the door. The door flew open and one of jokers henchmen had stepped into the room with a plate of food. Eva smiled eagerly, taking the plate. "Thank you, umm..." she questioned not sure of his name. "R-Roman..." he stutters just a bit. He exchanges a slight smile, but steps back and heads for the door leaving Eva to eat.

Eva had placed herself on her bed, and had begun to eat her food. Eva had thought for being a psychotic killer, joker seemed to feed his prisoners quite well. She were aware that she were being held hostage but she somehow felt that he were keeping her here to keep him company maybe..

Eva had managed to make her way to the door. She stood by the door for a brief minute until her hand had gripped the door knob. Sighing heavily, she turned the knob hoping to gain the courage to knock. She gasped in surprise. Her sudden actions had gotten the best of her. The door was somehow unlocked and she were now opening it.

She hesitated slightly as she stood dead in her tracks, she felt a bit frozen. Eva knew the consequences of leaving her room and what would happen if she did but she took a risk, almost like dodging a bullet. She regained her composure as she made her way down the hall, unsure of where she'd lead herself or if joker would pop out anytime soon, slapping some cuffs on her and pointing a finger at her for disobeying his rules. But Eva wasn't much of a listener. She never managed to care for rules.

She made a small left,  leading her down another hallway. Eva had jumped slightly. She had heard slight commotion it had seemed to be getting closer. Eva gasped as she had hidden behind a corner, covering her mouth. Eva closely listened to the voices which seemed to now echo the walls. The voices now seemed to approach her. She had remained silent, her hand clutched to her mouth to keep herself from making the slightest bit of noise.

Laughter could be heard as well. "Apparently He has a thing for her." One voice had spoken to the other. "She won't last a week here. Joker will kill her before the weeks over." Eva gasped softly, her mind had flooded with the thought of him killing her. She must of known what he would have been capable of. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Eva had heard loud shouts from down the hall. Just behind her, Eva had found a door. She turned the knob slightly and quietly.

She had hidden herself inside of this unknown closet. She begun searching the room for some sort of place to hide. Eva had heard slight but muffled shouts. "FIND HER!" Eva had heard. She jumped slightly, they must have realized she had left her room. Eva listened closely, she had hidden herself in a small but unnoticeable compartment in this closet. She were quite thankful for weighing just 130 pounds. She fit just perfectly.

Eva heard jokers shouts. By the sound of his voice, he seemed very angry and worried. She felt intrigued, to say the least. I guess joker did need her around. Eva froze up slightly as she heard footsteps approach the door. She had watched the door fly open, revealing the slightest crack of light.

A hand had gripped her arm, pulling her out of the closet. "You stupid girl." He spoke with frustration in his voice. His grip managed to grow slightly tighter on her arm making her cry out slightly. "R-Roman - I'm sorry." Eva whispers to him. He made no effort to make a reply.

They had reached her room, joker had made his way over to the brunette. Only this time, there was no sign of the man she thought she had known. He had looked angry. Eva begun to sob out loudly, knowing she'd be in for a treat. Joker would find some kind of punishment fit for her.

Joker gripped her arm tightly as Roman released Eva to joker. "Please-." Eva quietly sobbed to him. Eva searched his eyes for a possible sense of remorse but managed to find nothing. Only the menacing smirk he had given her, sending chills down her spine.

"Do you know what happens to people who try to escape me?" Joker had asked in a deep but raspy tone. Eva hopelessly shook her head. Slowly, his grip managed to grow slightly tighter which caused Eva's heart to pound rapidly. "I like you Eva, and I don't want to have to kill you. Your a smart girl. You should know better than piss me off!" He spoke in a slightly angered tone. 

"You must be punished." Eva sucked in deep, exhaling slightly. Fighting back her much wanted tears. Joker led Eva out of her room. "You can kiss your room goodbye. Tonight you spend the night in a cold, cold place." Eva had whimpered a bit but managed to stay strong for her sake.

She knew this would be a long night.

She would never forgive him for this —
Joker and Eva had stopped by a locked door. He pulled out a chain of keys, searching for a specific key he had needed to unlock the door.

Apparently this room was unused and had no heat, it was constantly cold — so cold you could almost see your breath. This room was used for people who constantly abused and disobeyed his rules. Eva held back her tears as she looked joker in the eyes. "Like hell I'll—." Eva spoke in an enraged tone, as a small tear fell from her cheek. Joker made no effort to show the slightest bit of sympathy for her.

He pushed her into the room, releasing her from his grasp. "Good riddens." He half-smiled with a menacing smirk. Eva shouted out as joker had left her alone in the dark room. Only for her to think to herself.



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