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Eva snapped her head up to an unknown man with a panda bear head. In his pocket, he had a large gun. Eva stood frozen as he held a much smaller gun to her head. He began shouting but it were quite muffled. Eva held her breath, hoping to god that she wouldn't die. He aggressively threw her against the wall and choking her at once. Joker had stepped over to the man whom were choking the girl, causing his anger to get the best of him. She gripped his hands as he made it hard for her to breathe. Joker growled—seeing this and he angrily whipped his cap away, hitting him on the head with his gun.

"Not her, you scumbag." In a fit of rage, joker had shot the man in the head. He turned his attention to the brunette who had looked like she had seen a ghost. "I knew we'd see each other again, Doc." He said as he forcefully grabbed her by the arm. The brunette whimpered in fear, biting her lip. He had some of his henchmen assist him as they began to tie her down.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" Eva looked away slightly, closing her eyes. Tried her hardest not to cry in front of the infamous joker. "Are you gonna kill me? Mr.J?" She questioned with fear and hesitation. "Oh I'm not gonna kill ya doll, I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really, really, bad." Eva froze up in fear. He laughed evilly, shoving a cloth into her mouth.

He had held two large electrical bolts, putting each of them at her temple. She closed her eyes as electricity began to flow throughout her entire body. She thought about nothing but the pain. She began to feel herself grow weak as she began to black out. Joker quickly stopped, realizing that Eva had blacked out. A slight wave of regret had washed over him, but quickly faded. He unstrapped her, ushering his men to carry her to his car.

"WHAT A DAMN MESS YOU'VE MADE J, YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN." He spoke to himself, snapping himself into reality. He had heard slight whimpering coming from the room where he were keeping Eva since he had taken her. It's seemed to be that she's woken up and now ready for more torture. Joker instantly turned his mind away from hurting Eva any further. Joker strolled down the hall, making a left and came to her door. But stopped after hearing what sounding like slight crying.

He shook his head and unlocked the door, and opening it wide. Eva's head snapped over to the man who had captured her, the man who she'd come to see for the past few weeks. She had wiped her tears away, fighting new ones as well. She backed up slightly, wanting no more torture. "Please?" She begged as he stepped closer to her. Surprised by his actions, joker placed a finger on her cheek. "I want no more of those damn tears." He bluntly spoke, causing Eva to quickly wipe her tears.

Clearing her throat before speaking, Eva looked to joker, searching his face for some sort of remorse. "Why did you take me?" She questioned, hoping he'd explain. "Is it not a crime to want your company, doll?" Eva shook her head. "Good, because you'll stay right here. I'm not letting you go anytime soon so don't fucking ask." He said with a wide smile.

Eva held her legs close to her stomach, feeling her chest slowly rise and fall

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Eva held her legs close to her stomach, feeling her chest slowly rise and fall. Her eyes had wandered around the soft cream walls. Elegant drapes in the windows. She had sat on a large queen sized bed, linen sheets as well as covers. To her right a bathroom, a walk in shower, marble vanity's and that same cream color walls. "Make yourself comfortable, you'll be here for a while." He said as he placed a small box on her bed, before exiting her room.

Eva slowly took the box in her hands, quite hesitant of what she would receive. Lifting the lid, her eyes had widened in awe, seeing a gold studded necklace with the letter 'E' probably for Eva. She smiled slightly but snapped herself out of such happiness. And placed the necklace back in the box, putting it on the stand beside her.

The attraction she had for him was inhuman, Eva was good and he wasn't. He had showed her that night that he couldn't be saved, no matter how many sessions the two had. Terrible people, capable of doing terrible things, have no remorse. Joker had let himself in Eva's room, surprised to have seen his box not untouched but opened and empty, there laid his necklace on her stand. Listening to the faint sound of water falling onto her body, joker snapped his head, ridding himself of the thoughts.

The door flew open, Eva's eyes grew wide. She clutched her towel close to her wet, naked body. Joker turned around quickly, respecting her privacy. "Uh, sorry about that, holler if your hungry!" Eva nodded as joker left her room once again, regained composure, gathered a fresh pair of clothes to dress herself.


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