A womens routine

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I twisted and turned trying to get myself to wake up. A soar pain arose in my neck as my head faces the side wall while my body was parrellel to the ceiling. A ring from my phone alarm buzzed in my ear. Scrunching my nose, I pat the area, searching for the heavenly snooze button, like a pirate finding his hidden treasure. Suddenly light beamed through what I assume was the window. Cringing at the light poking my shut eyes. I pat around my surroundings, where is my phone? I soon reached the side of my bed. Has it fallen? With deep regret I shimmy to the side of my bed, opening my eyes to the neat brown wood. As my eyes strained from the sudden wake up, I saw slippers with a human vessel attached. $h*t! The foot tapped as I traced it up its body. Soon to reach my mom in her pajamas, her hair still in curlers, holding my phone with a nasty scowl spread across her face.

"Well, you gonna get up?" She asked.
"5 more minutes." I murmur as I dig under the sweet cove of my blanket.

I adjust and close my tired eyes. Snuggling in my mattress. Soon a whipping sound, followed by the cold reaching my body.

"Schools in 4 hours!" She scowled.

My eyes shot open as I soon tumbled down my bed. Darting around my room I see my makeup desk and scrambled over. Frantically opening draws, I pull out my brush and push through the birds nest. The comb pulled at my scalp as I looked at the dull dark blue of my hair. I clicked my tongue, examining my hair closely, I just dyed my hair an aray of colors to suit a galaxy and the colors already are fading. Now that my hair was neat I took two handfuls of my out grown bangs and fold them over my middle part. I made sure it made a little puff at the top of my head before I clipped it to the hair growing on the back of my head. My outgrown bangs were out of my face as I flipped the back of my hair. I pulled out a black bow and attached it to my clip holding my precious hair. I stare at my reflexion, almost pleased at the fact this took no time at all. Soon to realize this "perfect process" had taken half an hour.

I scoop my used materials and shoved them back in the draw. I bring out my black makeup bag and pull out my liquid liner. Putting light strokes, I make even cat liner, as I call it. Looking over my masterpiece, I pull out my mascara, if someone told me that I'd stop wearing this heavy on my eyes I wouldn't believe them. Soon to be done, I pull out my blackish-purple lipstick and apply. Checking the time, an hour has passed.

Sigh, I pull open my closet to see my very plentiful amount of clothes, all my tops were some shade of pink and most were shoulder less. My pants however didn't matter as long as they were as dark as my soul. (So pitch black.) I pull out my shoulder less pink sweater and slap it on, as I fit myself through some black jeans. Looking over how my overall body, I'd say this wasn't my worst day. I soon rush out of the atic to the kitchen.

"2 hours? Did you rush over your routine?" My mom pestered as she kept cooking. Not even sparing a second to look.

I rolled my eyes, "Haha mom, your hilarious..." I groaned, putting clear sarcasm in every means possible.

She turned to me and saw my getup. She scrunched her nose. She dropped the pot and pulled it off the element and came to me. She had taken out her curls and changed into a beautiful short red dress. Black heels and makeup on point. She kneeled down and put her hand son my shoulders.

"Oh sweetie..," she started, oh god, I thought, she's going to lecture me,"I see your still trying to be a trend setter..." Eyes clearly referring to my outfit.

"Mom, a pastel goth is a thing!" I shot. Rolling my shoulders so her hands would move. Didn't work.

"I know you want to be emo, because the cool kids are, but you're pretty and not to mention you look awful compared to our family." She motioned to our house that had every luxury possible.

"This isn-" she pushed her sharp talons of nails into my lips.

"Come on, snap out of that phase, in a month or two, you'll go back to being yourself, the girl everyone wants to be, why ruin it with this barbaric costume?" She said, almost in clear disgust.

"So you want me to be a stupid white girl? Want me to be a SL*t? Do you want me to be that popular b*tch?!" I shot, I was in no mood to deal with her crap.

"When you put it like that, you make it sound awful... And it wouldn't hurt to sneak a boy or two in now and again." She remarked, clearly not caring of me. This is why I am emo, I hate it and I express myself through it.

I scoffed, "whatever, I'm going to school." As I strut my way out of the house. Clearly mocking her. Swinging my hips and my hands on my waist. Chin up.

I took a quick glance back and saw the miserable look on that women's face. PRICELESS! Until I realized I forgot my bag. I looked at my phone, class starts at 8:30, it was 6:45. Dang, I did get out earlier then usual. I walked around the block until I was right below my window. Even though our house is nearly a mansion, I like in the attic. The tree beside my house was one you could climb. Nearly having steps, begging you to climb. I do this when I want to be alone on the roof or get in. I sneak into my tree and open the window. I snatched my bag and went to school. Finally.


Hi! New story, I know this was long, but I promise it'll get better, please continue reading. Love anyone who reads.

~love Lynn.

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