This mans routine

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I rolled around on my mattress, knowing I should get up. I heard a voice from a far.

"Tanner Sinclair. You better get your butt down here!" I hear my mom yell.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I respond.

I heard a faint chuckle,"Good one." She said. I bet shes smirking.

I rubbed my eyes to see a single thin line spreading across the middle of my room. I see my curtains that mostly covered my window. Except for down the middle. Letting in a cursed stream of lighr. Of course my midnight black curtains with skulls were to small. I shrugged, to good to be true...I guess.

"It's been a minute!" I hear my mom shout.

Dammit mom stop being so literal.

I look over to the foot of my bed to see my clothes neatly folded. I smile, I'm so organized.

After I put on my clothes I finally loop my choker over my neck. I turn to my full body mirror and state at this emo beauty. My black cardigan over my white shirt had nice contrast. Aside from the aside from the upside down cross imprinted on my shirt, is say this was a pretty business casual top. My pants on the other end were a full purple. I put my fingers on the heart lock in the middle of my neck on my choker. I slightly tilted it so it was semetrical to the middle of my body. The two hearts on the side of my neck were barely visible, considering I haven't turned on the lights. The stream of light was enough for my nocturnal vision.

I nearly tumble downstairs. My mom was sitting at our 2 person table and stares me down.

"This again?" She sneers.

I look down at my not so normal style which was slightly off.

"Mom, I can expl-"

She pulls out a small bottle and hands it to me. I take it and look at the label.
Makeup remover.

"You forgot to refill it. Why do you bring it to school anyways." She says, focused on cutting her egg.

"For reasons, it's like a multi-tasked bear repellent." I say, pulling down the cerial from the top of the fridge.

"Whatever my child, get to school." She says, walking over to me, rubbing my hair, making it a mess. She kissed me on the cheek.

"MOM! Stop messing with my hair! I swear mom, why aren't you like other moms."I snap, flattening my hair.

"However do you mean?" She says, a grin spread on her face and her eyebrow raise.

I groan and rub the back of my neck, "I-I don't know, maybe normal moms tells their child that being pastel goth is a phase?" I say.

She smiles,"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"I don't know!?" I say with a pout.

She smirked and walks past me, "What if its not a phase," she takes a seat with her plate. "What if you are my little devil?"she asks. Fidgetting with her fork over her halfly devoured egg.

"Then I'll summon eaten and his friends." I respond putting the cereal back on the fridge.

"But would you hurt your dear old mother?" She mocks with an innocent look and duck lips.

"Hmph..." I say storming out.

"You love me!" She calls.

I slam the door. Ugh, I love her...but she's so frustrating... I say, grabbing the strap of my backpack only to find I grabbed a handful of nothing.

Dammit! I run back home and snatched my bag. My mom watches with a grin. She's the true demon. I walk half way to school and hear my stomach growl.

DAMMIT! I forgot to eat the cereal. She distracted me so I just put the cereal back on the fridge. I curse myself for being so foolish. I do love my mom.


A special thanks my dear friend Smol_Potato666 for letting me use her OC.


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