Feels Like I'm Falling In Love.

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"What about Alex?" I asked. "Oh." Tay dropped her voice, and Alex and her exchanged glances. "I'll be taking care of your home for awhile, I guess." Alex shrugged it off like it was no big deal. "I'm going to be fine." . I stared at him, and watched as he locked his eyes back at me. 

He's lying. He won't be fine.

A lump inside my throat formed and a weird feeling sunk to my chest. I can't leave Alex alone. I don't know... I just... can't. I suddenly couldn't imagine what it would be like without him. I was with someone who I felt comfortable with, and even for a short period of time, I felt safe with him.

I can't leave him.

"I'm sorry, Tay." I avoided Tay's eyes and had directed my gaze to the floor instead. "I-- I don't think I'm in any condition to go.". Tay looked hurt, but she nodded anyways and smiled. "Alright. We'd leave in two hours time. I'll go now, but it's really nice to see that you're okay before we went." she told me. "I love you, Stell.". I smiled back at her appreciatively. "Thanks. You're the best sister in the world, Tay." I mumbled softly. "Say hi to Jordan and the guys for me." "Yeah, I will." she nodded. She took her duffel bag which was hidden beside the guest couch, and turned to Alex. "I'm going to go now, okay?" she hugged him. "You better take care of Stella for me, Alex." . "Alright. I got it, Tay." he smiled at her genuinely. A feeling of jealousy surged through my heart as Alex and Tay stared at each other, smiling.

Wait.Whoa there, Stell. Jealousy?

I'm.... I'm jealous?

A/N: 3 votes. AHUEHAUHUAHE Thank you so much Hustlers! Special thanks to FallenKilljoy97 which is by the way, I'm now proclaiming as a sister. XDD

Long live us!

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