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Percy Jackson was fighting for his life. And he was losing.

Kronos smiled at him evilly as if he was just playing with Percy as he swung at him with long, powerful strokes. Percy rolled to the side as he avoided another strike from backbiter. He came up breathing hard and dripping in sweat. Kronos swung sideways and Percy leaped back. Every step he took hurt him but he had to live. For Annabeth.

"Have you given up?" Kronos asked with an evil smile. Percy glared at him and fired his sword at his face. It's not like it was doing anything anyway. The sword smacked right off of Kronos' face and onto the floor. Kronos slowly stepped towards Percy.

"Are you sure you don't want to surrender?" Kronos asked. 

"Luke wait!" a voice said behind Kronos. Kronos turned and saw Annabeth with her head bleeding, lying on the floor. His eyes flashed blue for a second but he shook his head and his eyes turned gold again.

Annabeth got up and ran towards Kronos but he snarled and backhanded her across the room. Annabeth flew across the room and cracked her head against Hephaestus' throne. She fell to the floor unconscious. 

"Annabeth!" Percy cried. 

Kronos' eyes flickered and then turned blue. "Annabeth" he said. He tried to lumber over to her but Percy growled in anger and picked up riptide. He didn't know what told him to but a voice in his head told him to stab Kronos in his armpit. He ran at Kronos from behind and leaped at him, burying riptide deep into his armpit. 

Kronos roared in pain and collapsed to the ground. That very second, Annabeth slowly woke up and blinked her eyes. She saw Kronos on the ground and Percy standing over him with his sword. She slowly stood up, clutching her head.

"Luke?" she said. Percy, slightly hurt that she was more worried about Luke than him, stepped aside.

"A- Annabeth" he said, lying on his back. Annabeth looked down at him with tears in her eyes.

"Why Luke? Why?" she said. 

"I'm sorry" Luke said. Annabeth shook her head, tears dripping from her eyes. "Annabeth, did you... love me?"

Annabeth looked at Percy, then back at Luke. Both boys looked at her expectedly, awaiting two different answers.

Before Annabeth could answer, though, Percy suddenly felt an agonizing pain in his stomach. He gave a cry of pain and fell to his knees. Annabeth looked at him and her eyes widened.

"Percy! Percy you're glowing!" she shouted. Percy couldn't even think. Suddenly, it wasn't just his stomach in pain. It was his whole body. Percy couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. It was torture.

"Luke what is happening?" Annabeth asked. 

"I don't kn- oh my god. Kronos said... " Luke's eyes went wide and he started muttering incomprehensible things under his breath.

"Kronos said what?" Annabeth said, crazy with worry. Before Luke could answer, he suddenly started coughing up golden mist.

"I'm going Annabeth. I cannot stay" he said. "I am dying."

"Luke what is happening to Percy?!"

But Luke slowly dissolved into  golden mist and was gone. 

Annabeth didn't know what to do as she ran over to Percy and tried to comfort him. As soon as she touched him, though, her hand was burned and she was forced to step away. Percy was still writhing in agony.

Suddenly, Percy stopped moving.

"Percy?" Annabeth said. Then, Percy dissolved into a nothing. "Percyyyy!!!!!" she cried.

Minutes later, the Gods came rushing into the throne room to find Annabeth alone on the floor of the throne room, crying. 

Percy Jackson: The New AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now