Chapter 4: The Battle

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Yo, it's objudge125 and this is another chapter of "Percy Jackson: The New Avengers."

I know you may be wondering at this point who Percy will be paired with. Well I am telling you right now, it is going to be more than one person. I'm just going to let you guys know that now.

Make sure you guys vote this chapter and leave a comment. Don't forget to follow me if you haven't yet. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Percy stood there next to T'challa as T'challa spoke to the large mass of Wakandan warriors standing in front of them. 

Percy's sword, Riptide, hung at his side, strapped to his waist. Percy decided to leave it out of pen form because it looked more intimidating and a lot more cooler when it hung at his side. Percy had gotten a haircut, too. Most of the hair on the back and sides of Percy's head was shaved off while only a little bit of hair on the top of his head was shaved.

As Percy stood waiting for T'challa's speech to end, a though occurred to him. He had used riptide in battle the previous day and it had worked perfectly fine. How was that possible? Then Percy remembered that his sword had been infused with vibranium. Percy looked at his sword and thought 'what else is different now?'

Percy was snapped out of his own thoughts by T'challa saying "And we shall lead Wakanda back to prosperity!!" The Wakandan army gave a roar of approval and they beat their weapons on the ground. Then, they began to walk forward, remaining in perfect formation. T'challa, Percy and the generals of Wakanda's army were in front. 

"So, how will we find this Tetu guy's camp?" Percy asked T'challa as they marched. They had already left the city of Wakanda. They were currently marching towards the Wakandan border.

"Our highest ranking general used to be friends with Tetu" T'challa said, "not long ago. When Tetu began using evil methods to get what he wanted, though, our general deserted him and returned to Wakanda. He has been our most useful informant on Tetu so far." Percy nodded and looked at the general. He was a hulking man, standing at six foot six, three inches taller than Percy. He was very ripped, too. His biceps looked like boulders. He was so muscled that Percy wondered which weighed more, him or a car.

They walked for a couple more minutes before Percy spoke again. "So, are you married?" he asked. T'challa looked taken aback, before saying, "No I am not married. I am only 22 years old. I do plan to marry before I am 30 years old, though" T'challa said. "Are you married?"

Percy laughed. "I am only sixteen. I am not going to get married for a while" he said. He laughed again. T'challa looked surprised.

"I thought you were at least twenty" he said.

"Nah" Percy said. T'challa shook his head in amazement.

"Wow" he said.

Three hours later

They had been walking for so long that Percy had begun to get bored. He was itching to get to Tetu's camp and get some action. For now, though, he was forced to just walk. Luckily, Percy had been smart enough to bring a couple bottles of water so every time he started to feel tired, he took a sip and felt rejuvenated.

Suddenly, the large general held up a hand and everybody stopped. "It is here" he said. "Just half a mile away." He turned around and faced the army. Then he said "Split." Immediately, the giant army separated into three groups. The group that would be doing the frontal assault went first. The 500 soldiers marched forward, quickly but quietly. Then, the soldiers that would be attacking the east side were sent off. Then, the final group, the largest one of all, began to march around the camp and towards the back. T'challa went with the second group that would attck the east side so that Tetu would think that that was the main force. 

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