Chapter 3: The Poison

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Yo, it's objudge125, and this is another chapter of "Percy Jackson: The New Avenger."

If you like the chapter, vote it and leave a comment. Don't forget to follow me, too. Hope you enjoy.

P.S, I've been calling Black Panther's mother Romanda for the last few chapters but her name is actually Ramonda, so that's a mistake by me. My bad.

Percy opened his eyes to see he was back in the little hospital room. Standing over him were a very worried looking T'challa and Ramonda.

"What happened?" Percy asked. T'challa glanced at his mother before looking back at Percy.

"You were shot in the arm" T'challa said. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Yes I know that" Percy said. "But why do you guys look all nervous and shit."

Again, T'challa glanced at his mother before saying, "Well the arrow that you were shot with was not a normal arrow."

"No shit it hurt like hell" Percy said.

T'challa took a deep breath and then said, "You were shot with an arrow that had the poison Ivanlock in it" T'challa said. "The poison will spread throughout your body destroying all your cells util you die."

Percy gulped, eyes wide as he heard the news. Then, he slowly looked at his left arm. The sight he saw made him feel sick.

Almost his whole arm from his wrist to below his shoulder was green. Percy lifted his arm from his side to get a good look at it. Then, he poked it.

"Why can't I feel my arm?" Percy asked.

"We had to numb your arm or else the pain would have been immense" T'challa said. Suddenly, Shuri walked into the room.

"It is ready" she told T'challa.

"What's ready?" Percy asked.

T'challa hesitated before saying, "The only way to stop the poison from spreading to throughout your body is to amputate your arm." Percy's eyes widened and he shook his head furiusly.

"No no no" he said. "I will not live with one arm.

"Who said you had to live with one arm?" T'challa said. "We have created a new arm made of vibranium. It has many useful properties. Plus, if we don't cut off your arm you die."

Percy thought about it but deep down, he knew he didn't have a choice. "Fine" he said. "But put me to sleep." T'challa nodded.

"Get ready" he said. He pressed a button and Percy's eyelids started to get heavy. He got drowsier and drowsier until finally, he fell asleep.

Seven hours later

Percy awoke to see Shuri standing over him. "He's awake!" she called. Minutes later, T'challa entered. Percy tried to rub the sleep from his eyes, but felt no movement in his left hand. That's when Percy looked down and remembered that he was no armless on the left side. All that was left was a tiny stub. It felt extremely strange to be without a left arm around. Percy waved his stub around. It looked kind of funny.

"How are you feeling?" T'challa asked. Percy justy gave him a thumbs up with the hand he had left.

"I'm feeling great. I just can't wait to get a new arm" Percy said. T'challa grinned.

"Well you're in luck. While you were first passed out we took measurements of the exact muscle size and length of your arm. We used the measurements to create the vubranium arm." T'challa clapped his hands and two people whom Percy assumed were servants appeared outside the room door. "Go retrieve the arm." The servants bowed and left.

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