Mass Hysteria

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Here is my second story. I was watching Kingsman: The Golden Circle yesterday and just hated what they did to Agent Whiskey. I thought he deserved better or at least a more fleshed out backstory. So here's the idea I had. Meh...
Please note that I own NOTHING!

Rhett hovered around the door to the conference room Champ used to talk to other Statesman agents. He was going to knock and let himself in, but he heard Champ raise his voice. Champ never raises his voice.

"He's not a baby anymore, Whiskey." Champ growled. "He's a young man who's seen his fair share of action. He's got two Silver Stars for Christsake! Well I'd like to see him live a white picket fence life too but that's not what he wants..."

"God damnit, Pa." Rhett rolled his eyes and knocked. Better stop this before Pa shoves his foot in his mouth.

"Come in, damnit!"

Rhett poked his head in and gave his most charming smile. "Y'all not gonna start throwing things are ya?"

Champ laughed and motioned for him to come in. "Ha! If I was plannin' on startin' a war, I'd bring out the big guns. Grab a pair of glasses and pour yourself a stiff one. It's gonna be a long conversation."

Rhett's senses told him danger was imminent. His Pa was the kind of fella who picked his battles carefully and when he fought, he fought like the devil himself. He dreaded what his Pa was going to say and hoped he wouldn't bring momma into. Pa had a habit of doing that to win an argument.

After grabbed a drink, sat in the chair on Champ's left. He gave Champ a worried glanced before putting his glasses on. Gave a bright smile to the hologram of his Pa sitting across the table. "Hey, Pa..."


Hoowee! He's mad at you. He thought.

"Let's just get to, boys." Champ poured himself a drink. "Sodapop, you've more than earned a spot at The Ranch, but to be fair to everyone you have to prove yourself at The Rodeo."

"Now hold on!" Whiskey smacked the table.

"No, Pa." Rhett glared across the table. "You've been treatin' me like some green boy for too long. I want this, Pa! I want to be a Statesman."

"It may sound like that now, but..."

"Damnit, Whiskey! Let the young man speak!"

Rhett nodded to Champ. "Thank you, Champ. Look, Pa. I've wanted to be a Statesman my whole life. I know the dangers but I also know the important work you do. You protect people."

Whiskey rubbed his forehead. "I promised your momma that I'd protect you. You can't comprehend how close came to dying. I'm not gonna lose you to a fight no one knows is going on."

Rhett sighed and bowed his head. "Please don't use Momma as an excuse. I already fought in a war no one in this country cares about and survived. I can't live the quiet life you want me to."

The tension hung heavy in the air. Rhett felt his chest tighten as Whiskey look away. The sadness in his father's eyes always made him feel worse. Whenever Rhett's momma was brought up, Whiskey got this far away look in his eyes. The spark of the sly ladies' man would fade and a heavy cloud would take its place. Rhett knew that his Pa was just afraid. Afraid of losing his only family and losing the last connection to his lost sweetheart.

Whiskey sighed and looked at his son. He really looked at him this time. For the longest time he saw a little boy clutching his Statesman bear asking for if he'd check his room for monsters. Now a grown man took his baby boy's place. He had his momma's eyes, smile, and stubbornness.

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