Her first steps

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Sooo basically your still 11 months but it's been a few good weeks and it's almost the 12th month soo...ENJOY!!!

Come on guys seriously?! Vlyad tried EVERYTHING but you were kinda smart like him so you got the hang of it and started to walk around a bit... man! Was vlyad ONE HAPPY DADA!!! {i had to people I just really had to ;-;}

                           ZANES POV
I CANT GET HER TO WALK!!!!WHY IS THAT?!?!? I sighed letting her crawl around for a bit then went to go get her F/F (edible for a baby of course just imagine!!!) as I place the food down Y/N E/C widen and she asked "Food??" She asked I chuckled and said "that's right pumpkin it's food" Y/N smile and tries to stand up!!! I don't believe this!! As she stood up she started to walk! I immediately got on one knee and put my arms out ready to catch her and when she reached me she feel and I caught her. "You did it pumpkin you took your first steps!!" "FOOD!!" She yelled pointing at the snack. I laughed feeding her the nutritious snack

                         GARROTHS POV
It's very difficult to get Y/N to walk so I decided to put her on the floor while setting up her toys, then I put her teddy bear on the floor and she sat up and said "teddy??" I nodded my head and said "yep it's teddy" then out of no where she started walking!!!! I ran to her side to help just in case she fell but she had this all under control, I picked her up and spun her around. Heheh why didn't I think of the teddy bear!!

What's your story for walking??? Wellll it's pretty obvious... gene apparently gets what he wants ,but BOY you proved him wrong!!!! He tried EVERYTHING to get you walk but you just said "food" like in a demanding way so he took that chance to make you walk. And it worked!!! So basically it's similars to Zane but you were in charge here!!!! 😂

I found a job that pays pretty well!!! {No it's not McDonald's} so Y/N was one of those clingy babies so I had to sneak pass her in Oder to go to my new job. I finally made it to the door until.. "DADA!!!" Oh no... "sorry man she's was just crawling EVERYWHERE" I heard Garroth saying "come on princess I have to go.." "NO" she said standing up and....WALKING?!? When she came to me she hugged my leg and picked her up kissed her head and gave her to Garroth. Then secretly went to work.

You and Travis were hanging out with KC and of course she was baking cookies but you were napping in the couch so...it was a perfect time to make cookies until you woke up...you knew how to get off the couch without hurting yourself so you got off the couch and sleepy walking off like a pro to find your dad...and when you found him, he was in shock to see you walking!! She started squealing louder than Kawaii~Chan! But to you it was worth it cause you got a cookie at the end :3

I can never have quality time with Y/N without Travis butting in... but this time I was actually glad he did!! Ok so here's what happened I was playing with Y/N when Travis came in asking "Have you seen my jacket?" I rolled my eyes  and said "no!!" But then Y/N said "Travis!!" And started walking to him!!! I was in shock so when she was done I ran up to her and hugged her. Then, told Travis "I sooo owe you one!"

You really weren't that difficult to work with surprisingly so your up and walking pretty fast!!! So Aaron was super happy!!! So to celebrate you guys went to Kawaii~Chan's and Katelyns and KC made cookies just for the occasion!!!

Guys next is your first bday party!! Be prepared for what they planned for you!!!

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