First dayy of schooolll

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Now reader you have certainly grown being eight years old!!

You weren't nervous at all!!! You had school in the bag! You were smart and very determined for this school year!! AND NOTHING WILL STAND IN YOUR WAY!!!

My god were you ever so shy!!! But unlike you dad you were determined to make a bunch of new friends (which you did better than you dad *wink wink* ;)) and MAKING AMAZING GRADES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH *cries in closet* {see what I did there :D no?? Ok..}

You were very popular so you had no reason to be scared!!! You had lots of friends and the teachers love you! You couldn't think of anything bad! Like your dad you were VERY positive soo nothing to worry about!!!

.... your the opposite of gene... your not really so energetic or active like he is... in fact... your VERY when your dad almost left you grabbed him by the leg and didn't let him leave!! was a back 2 school for gene ^^

Him and his old Girlfriend talked and decided it's good if both were around! Though they are still debating wether to get back together or not laraunce can't lie when he says he miss her..But enough of that!!! Laraunce thought it was a good idea for him to take you!! But when you got there you had a mental breakdown begging for your mom! So laraunce called her up and when she got there she comfort you until you were better!! Leaving Laraunce blushing knowing he wanted his old Girlfriend back...

Travis just dropped you off like a normal parent there was nothing wrong you didn't complain or cry, but after school he was surprised when you were on a bench crying not being your active self! So he decided to cheer you up with a little ice cream 🍨

You CANT BE CONTROLLED!!! So dropping you off to school was like freedom to Dante, but... the teacher said you were an angel who behaves well and he's thinking "why can't I have some of that at home..." but...that's a mystery of another time 😉

Like gene you were the opposite of your dad energized and happy always socializing!! So Aaron tried to play it cool when he dropped you off at school, but seeing the excitement on your face saying "IM A BIG GIRL!" Made him have a breakdown (new side of Aaron lol)

I feel like you guys waited TOO long so here's a bonus of after school or before school with a MYSTIC MESSENGER COMIC!! Remember the dads are the mystreet boys and you are a little girl with s/c skin, h/c hair, and e/c eyes ^^ and for laraunce here's an oc Of his girlfriend!!!!

Likes: now children, art, music, pink,dancing, and sweets
Dislikes: bullies, snakes, frogs, scary movies, and brown ( take that laraunce XD)
Personality: a bit stuck up around new people, sweet, talented artists, and random

MEET AVA JUNE WALKER!!! Likes: now children, art, music, pink,dancing, and sweetsDislikes: bullies, snakes, frogs, scary movies, and brown ( take that laraunce XD) Personality: a bit stuck up around new people, sweet, talented artists, and random

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