Chapter 1

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I get up from my bed and charge my phone. My cousin Christopher just texted me saying that they are about ten minutes away from my house. I quickly jog to my closet and open it. I am currently in sweats and a tank top so I need to change fast. Something cute but not too cute, nice but not formal. Just a perfect outfit to meet the members of my cousin's band. Great. I grab my faded blue jeans, black shirt and my sneakers, I put on some gold hoops and a gold ring. Hoops automatically make an outfit more. Just as I finish shaving my lady-stauche someone knocks on the door. I cringe, I told Christopher to call me. He probably did, but my phone is on my nightstand.

"Oso stop it." I shout as he is barking. I walk down the stairs and open the door. As I pull the door open I see four men that I have only seen on tv but then I see the ugly thing.

"Eww its Chris, go away no one wants you here." I say cringing.

"Hey! If Shrek can live here then I can be here too." He smiles and we both laugh. I hug him.

"Ah it's good to see you Chris, it's been too long." I pull away, he sighs.

"I know I'm sorry, but I tried to get us to New Jersey on tours finally I'm here."

"It's fine, your here now." Then something hits me. "Oh shit, sorry I'm being rude um hi, I'm Reina, I'm his cousin. I must say I am so sorry that you have to put up with this idiot." I point to my cousin. I smile. Chris and I have been super close for so long so it's normal for us to make fun of the other.

"Hi." they say. I open the door even wider and motion for them to walk in.

They walk inside and I follow. I look at them.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink? I've got water, coke. Both kinds." Everyone laughs.

"Hey how is your drug dealer?" Chris asks. He calls my best friend Angie a drug dealer because she is good at her job and her wallet is thick. Always thick and she spends her money like it's nothing.

"haha Chris very funny, but Angie is great thanks for asking." I glare at him.

"Anyways, I have coke, I could put some coffee to brew." I offer.

"I'm fine." Richard says.

"Can I have some water?" Erick asks.


"Um me too please." Joel says.

"I'm ok but thank you." says Zabdiel.

"Aye can you grab me a coke?" Chris asks as he is flipping through trying to figure out what to watch on Netflix.

"Hey you can grab it."

"But-" He starts.

"Pero nada, you know your way around my house, you have legs, use them. Don't be lazy." I respond.  Chris may be older but he is in my house besides then Cokes are in the garage I don't put them in the fridge because then I'll see them everyday and I'll drink it all, fast.

Chris groans, he gets up and walks down to the garage.

"I'm sorry, but how old are you?" Richard asks.

I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear.

"I'm 18." I respond.

"Wow and you already have your own house? Do you rent or?" Joel asks.

"No um it's mine, my parents left it to me when they died. They um got into a car accident when I was 14. So I lived with Chris then and when I turned 18 I moved."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Zabdiel says and he looks down. I nod and keep a blank face on.

Yep, this is why I don't tell people about my story that often. I turn around and I walk into the kitchen. As I open the cupboard I hear footsteps. I grab a cup and then I look to my left and see Joel here.

"Hello,"(HE SAID IT!) He says and clears his throat. "I figured I could help you." He stated and grabbed the cup. I passed him another.

"Thank you." I say and reach for another.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your parents. That must have suck, I bet you miss them all the time." He says. I smile at him. I pass him the cup and close the cupboard.

"Yeah, I do a lot." Everyone always says they're sorry. I hate it, it gets on my nerves.

"What were they like?" He asks.

     I give him a quizzed look. But I tell him how funny dad was, and how he worshipped my mom. Like she was a queen herself. How mom loved to baked, never was the one to say carbs are bad but to tell me that they are bad for the body, but wonders to your tummy. I like how him saying that made me think of the good memories and not the sad ones. Like how I felt when a cop told me, or at the funeral.

"That sounds amazing." He says and then silently puts ice in the cups and hands them to me as I walk over from the fridge to get the water.

"It was." I smile. I don't know why I did, but it felt right.

We walk back in and I pass the water to Erick. Who was playing with Oso.

"I love your dog." he states. "What's his name?" He asks.

"Oso." I reply and sit next to him and Joel sits next to me.

"So tell us Reina, about yourself." Zabdiel says


~Hey guys! I'm back! So this is my new/ old story. I wrote it last year but I stopped writing it. So I'm picking it back up. Hope you guys like and please vote on it. Thank you for reading!~

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