Chapter 8

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After our little game of Never Have I Ever, Richard and Emily walked off to the dance floor. I really want to dance with Joel, but I'm low-key nervous. I don't know why, but I am. I reach over the little table and take the shot that's left. I turn to Joel.

     "Dance with me," I say. I grab his hand and we make our way outside to the dance floor. A reason why Julia's is super popular is because it is a latin club. My ears perk up, I hear Mi Corazoncito play. Joel takes me into his arms and we start dancing. But not the normal bachata, oh no, the sexual bachata. He spins me around and we continue dancing. So there is spins, dips, grabbing, everything that you could think of. My favorite part were the body rolls. After dancing to a few more songs, some more bachata, reggeaton, merengue with Richard,  we retreated to our enclosed space. I see that we are all along here. I open a water bottle and drink some. I turn to Joel.

     "Where did you learn how to dance?" I ask him.

     "Um several people, my mom, mi abuela, Zabdi, of course and richard, he taught me how to dance bachata." He drinks some water.

     "Wow, that's a lot of people." We both laugh and head back to the dance floor.

I wake up in the middle of the night sweating. I open my eyes and i find a body very close to me. In fact hugging me. Wait hugging him. I blink fast and i see joel. I widen my eyes

No...did we? No, we couldnt have. Im not wasted am i? I pull away from joel and i notice that we both have pjs on.

Ok ok so we didnt. Right?

I swiftly get off the bed and get out the room. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. I turn the lights on. I groan bc of the light. I pour myself a glass of water and take a sip.

How much did i even drink? I didnt have a lot right? As i get so lost in my thoughts i dont even realize that chris is down here with me. That he put water for tea.

"So why are you down hear cuz?" Chris asks me, I sigh.

"I may or may not have slep with joel," i moan out. I sink my face into my hands.

I really like him and of course I have to mess it up by sleeping with him. Now he'll never even look at me!

"What? Actually never mind that. I figured." Chris says smiling.

I groan. Yup i did get wasted.

"Shhh, and i dont know if i did. Im wasted and we have our pjs on. So we didnt right?" I blink. "Wait what do you mean by I figured?" I look at him for an answer.

Chris' cheeks turn pink.

"Well Emily and I came here after we ate at in n out and well we heard some very disturbing noises. But I just figured that Richard brought someone here. Mostly because I did not want to think about you and Joel." I feel my cheeks flare up. But then a realization hits me.

"Wait..." I pause and smirk at Chris. "What were you and Emily doing here?"

Chris turns hella red.

I cover my mouth to hide my grin.

"You better not give me a godchild Chris," i tell him

He scoffs. "And why would you believe that you would be la madrina?"

"Because its me. Why wouldn't i be?"

"Anyways Emily is on birth control,"

I frown. "Um no shes not,"

"Yes, she is. She told me. "

"And im her best friend, she never picked up her pills. She hasnt taken her pills in a week."

"Oh shit,"  chris says softly.

"Yeah,". The kettle starts to whistle. I turn the stove off.

I grab the peppermint tea and Chris grabs the mugs.

I put the tea bags in the mug and Chris pours the water in.

"Ah oh my god imagine you as a dad?" I laugh.

"That'd be something." Chris fiddles with his fingers. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ah you'll be fine. Dont worry shes not pregnant." I change the subject. "So um what do I do about my little um situation?" I ask him.

Chris take a sip of his tea. "I dont know Reina."

"Chrissss," i whine.

"Ok there is one thing that you could do but you won't. So I don't know what to tell you."

I slap his arm. "Tell me," I command him

"¡Ay pegame pues!" He stops for a moment. "Ok what you could do is just talk about it. " I internally groan.

I am not good at confrontation. At all.

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