Chapter 3

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As we walk into the house, I hear nothing. Everyone is still sleeping. We've been gone for an hour and a half.

     "Oo, ok well. They're still sleeping but I'm hungry. So Imma eat, I don't know about you. Are you sure that you don't want to sleep?" I ask as I set the pizza down on the table.

     "Damn, you really want to get rid of me don't you?" I giggle. "Thank you but I'm ok."

     "So, you want to watch a movie or something." I ask him and he just smiles.

     "How about we just eat? I would like to get to know you better. Other then the worst cousin ever." I giggle.

     "Yeah sure." I go to the cupboards and get two plates out, as I make my way back I hand Joel his plate. I open the box and grab a slice. Joel does the same. I open the bag of limon lays and pour some on the plate.

     "So, tell me something about yourself. Anything." I open my coke and he does the same.

     "Ok, um I love to sing. Obviously. I am a huge dog person. Love them." I swallow my bite and smile.

Good to know

I really love dogs too. Definitely a deal breaker if you don't like them. Especially pitbulls and rottweilers. It is a no for me. And no matter how cute or how great you are, I am never getting a cat.

     " I like the fact that everyday I learn more spanish. But I do get insecure about my spanish, not my strongest suit. But I am learning more and more and well I like it." I smile.

     "Pues, eso esta bien."

     "Gracias, eres Ecuatoriano también o más países?"

     "Pues, mi papa es el hermano de Yenny, pero mi mama fue mita venezolana."

     "Ok, so when people ask you what you are, what do you say?"

I take a sip of my soda. "Human." He chuckles. "I just say that I am half Ecuadorian and half Venezuelan. So your Spanish is pretty good. Not bad." He smiles. "No seriously, it's not bad."

     "Thank you."

    "Wow, is Joel actually talking about his life?" We turn around and see Richard under the doorway. He walks up to us grabs a slice of pizza. "I never think I could say that. Joel is a very private person. He's very reserved." I nod my head. I'm like that too. I am outgoing but when it comes to people knowing my life, I don't share. I don't like to talk about it.

     "I get that." Richard sits down next to me.

     "He's always been like that. Must say something." He gave him a look. Joel's ears turned slightly pink. I turn to Richard.

     "How about you? What are you like?" Richard turns his head to me.

     "Can I?" He points to the cans, I pass him one and he cracks it open and takes a sip. "Well, I'm just me. I am smart, funny, handsome." I smile. "No I can be like full father mode, but I am also just 22 year old having fun. I'm responsible, I'm not going to do anything stupid. But I am going to out and get drinks, party and do all of that. I just know my limit and I know what not to do." I nod and take another bite of my pizza. I respect that, he is going to have fun and live his life, but he isn't going to do something stupid.

After a while we just talk and eat food. After some time Erick comes down to join us. Then Chris does, after a while. Zabdiel was the last one to come down. He came down maybe about an hour after Chris did. But we all had fun. Throughout the entire time, I noticed Joel was quiet. He was enjoying our mood, but he just wasn't putting himself out there. We exchanged a few glances through it all and shared some smiles. But that was it. They ended up going to their hotel to check out and get their things, until their last show tomorrow they were all going to stay here. I'm happy because I own a big house and it's just me and Oso here. It will be like when my parents were here. At least just the having a full house part. Instead of parents it will be 5 messy guys. But I'm not complaining I get to see my cousin for another day and I get to see Joel. I feel bad because as much as I love Chris, I looking forward to having another day with Joel. So they are at the hotel right now and I am just cleaning the kitchen up. We left a huge mess, but at least most of the food is gone. We still have 2 bags of chips and soda. But those will be gone tomorrow. As I go upstairs to my room I see Oso on my bed. I smile and start to play with him. As I toss a ball of his down stairs I laugh as I see him running to get it.

About half an hour later I am curled up in my fluffiest blanket and watching Dynasty. I love that show, it so good! I am obsessed with it. So I'm watching the episode when Fallon gets married to Jeff. So into it that I block all of my surroundings. Only focusing on the show. As I watch her father object to the marriage the doorbell rings. I jump a little.

Shit, oh my lord, that scared me.

I look to my right and see Oso barely waking up. I let out a small laugh and get up from the couch. I open the door and see everyone with their luggage. I raise an eyebrow. I don't even pack this much when I go on my yearly trip to London with Angie. And we stay for a week!

     "Can you please move out of the way?" Chris complains. I hadn't realized that I was standing there for long. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. Chris just loves to complain. Especially if it's about me or to me. I move out of the way. They all go in and put their 50 luggages on the floor.

     "I was not expecting this much." I finally say. "Like I knew you guys would have a lot of stuff, pero like damn. This is a lot." Joel gives out a small apologetic smile.

    "Yeah, sorry about this." Richard says.

I sigh. "Ok, um so again there is three rooms. You guys can choose who sleeps where. I would prefer if no one sleeps on the couch, so Chris can sleep on the floor with Oso in my room. Cause I'm not trying to catch unos pojoes." I joke.

     "Hey!" Chris protests. We all laugh. "No but seriously I'm not trying to catch pojos"

     "Ok umm honestly the sleeping arrangements are on you guys." I tell them.

     "Gracias, por todo Reina, de verdad." Richard says.

     "Thank you!" Zabdiel and Erick say in unison. But their voices sound far away. I look around and see that they are both playing with Oso. I smile.

     "He so spoiled I swear, he knows that everyone loves him." I say.

A few minutes later they all start lugging their bags to their rooms. Zabdiel and Richard are sharing, and Erick and Joel are going to share while I share with Chris. I am definitely going to make him sleep on the floor. I don't share my bed, only with Oso. I turn off the tv and head to my room. I change in the bathroom and as I opened the door I see Joel standing right in front of me as I almost hit him. His eyes are so wide and my jaw fell. I raise my hand to cover my mouth.

     "Are you ok?" I whisper ask. He nods his head. "I am so sorry." I apologize. He nods again and then smiles.

     "It's ok Reina, you didn't hit me. Almost, but didn't." I sigh in relief.

     "Good." I get out of the way and head to my vanity table. I take off my makeup with a wipe. As I finished taking it off Joel opened the door. I went in to wash my face. No contact was exchanged at all. As I dry my face with a small towel I hear footsteps coming toward the bathroom.

     "Ey, Reina, adonde voy a dormir?" I open the door and it reveals Chris with pajama pants on without a shirt.

     "Dondesea, la cama, el suelo, en el siyon."

     "I'm sleeping with you, hey it would be like when we used to take naps together," Chris walks in the bathroom and starts brushing his teeth.

     "The only difference is that we aren't in high school anymore." I tell him and start putting on my face moisturizer. We used to sleep together growing up, besides Chris went through a really terrible loss, and break up all in the same week. His ex broke up with him and he was devastated, chris falls in love really easily. Later that week, one of his closest cousins got a seizure and he passed. He would cry at night thinking that no one would hear him, but we shared a room so obviously I could hear him. I walk away and I climb into my bed.

     "Make sure you close the door, and put on a shirt!" I tell him and I get into the covers. I close my eyes and smile. I am so tired and I can't wait to get some sleep. But most importantly I can't wait for tomorrow. I feel Chris climbing in the bed.

     "Goodnight prima." he says to me.

     "Goodnight idiota." I respond.

     "Rude." I smile and drift off to sleep.

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