Chapter 10

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     Its been months since I've last seen Joel. And it been killing me. I love that he calls me every chance he has. I love it that he always tells me what he does so that I don't feel excluded. But i still cant help but feel alone. Ever since the moment when the guys left I've never felt so alone. And i was alone for a while when my parents died. Emily has been coming over too to cheer us both up. She missed Chris as much as I miss Joel.
     Now don't get me wrong I miss Chris too, but I'm more used to missing family. Especially Chris, when I moved in with him and his mom we got used to the change real quick. And when he left for La Banda of course I missed him a lot. But i slowly got used to it because he's my cousin. I know that he missed me too and that he wont leave me alone.
     Also the fact that we shared a room for four years as left me scarred for life. Ive done my service. But in all seriousness it's different missing my cousin and my boyfriend. But at least I know that Emily is going through the same thing that I am. Speaking about my boyfriend, it feels good to say that, the public may not know but I love it. We get privacy, but not only that. We did not sleep together. Turns out Richard did bring someone home meaning that me and Joel did nothing! Which if I am being honest I don't know how to feel. Like yes! That wasn't us, but Richard bought someone to my house? Where he is a guest?
     She used to come over three times a week before she and Chris gave it another try. But since they got together again she was coming over almost everyday. Not that I'm complaining. I told her that she might as well live here. Next day she stopped renting her apartment and moved in with me. And let me tell you. It is way less lonely and a whole lot better for the both of us. And she helps me out with food and bills. I stopped working at a grocery store because I was losing my mind scanning food, hearing screaming children, the machine beep every time someone pays with a card. So i work at a bookstore now and it is the best. Its a local shop so its not usually busy however we do get through books quick because people actually buy more than one book. And its honestly so great. The employees, the owner, and of course the pay.
     I hop on my bed Emily is already inside the sheets eating popcorn and the gummy worms. It's movie night. I love movie nights. When we have free time with our laptops we FaceTime our boyfriends and watch a movie. So they're inside their hotel or bus, plane, whatever and watching a movie with us as if they were physically here. The whole thing sounds like it should be really depressing but it is honestly the highlight of my day.
     "Ok what are we watching tonight?" Chris asks.
     "Its my choice tonight so you already know where this is going," Emily says with a huge grin on her face.
     "Pride and Prejudice" Joel and Chris say in unison.
     I climb in my bed laughing. After six months they got the memo. Emily loves romance movies. Especially Pride and Prejudice. The music, the acting, and wording. Everything. If I'm being honest I am equally obsessed with it too. Mr. Darcy had my whole heart. I just want someone to tell me that I have bewitched them body and soul. But I'll take my latin in a boy band boyfriend.
     "Get ready for the tears," I tell the guys.
We got to the part where Lizzie meets Georgiana Darcy, when Chris's phone rang. I pressed pause and Emily and I shared a look. We already knew where this was going. They had to leave. And if I was being honest, I should be sad or upset. But I really am not. I know that they don't like watching these kinds of movies. Emily and I should really watch this with Zabi.
     "We gotta go, I'm sorry Em." Chris apologizes. She just nods her head.
     "Wait why?" Joel asks Chris. And Chris explained that they have to get ready to leave for the airport in an hour because their manager changed their flights, so that they get to Japan earlier because they have another interview before this like big exclusive interview. I honestly don't know, I tuned out.
We said our goodbyes and I saw Emily and I gave her a smile.
     "Who's ready to cry over Mr. Darcy?" I ask her and she cheers. "But it's gonna wait, I gotta use the bathroom and there is no way in hell that you are playing the movie without me. I am not missing one second.
     "Hurry up," she whines and shoos me off of my own bed so that I will hurry up. Sooner I get up, sooner we watch the rest of the movie.
     I jump back into my bed and we watch the rest of the movie. Throughout the movie, I can hear Emily sniff. I don't let her know that I know that she is crying. I just watch the rest in silence letting Emily collect her thoughts. But I mean of course we did fangirl over the whole "you've bewitched me heart and soul," scene.
     Once the credits roll, I get up from the bed and put away the snacks that are left and just clean up. When I walk back into my room from putting everything away. I see Emily sleeping, I smile and climb back into bed and shut up eyes. It wasn't long before I drifted off back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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