Chapter 4

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I wake up and rub my eyes. I look to right and I see Chris all stretched out, taking up most space of the bed. I shake my head and roll out of bed. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I look around see that Oso isn't here. He always sleeps here. Mostly on my bed, but if not on his bed. I frown. But I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab the carton of eggs, and the pack of bacon and sausage. And I start to cook.

     Some time passed and I was on the last round of bacon I hear La Vida es un Carnaval playing. I whip my head around and see Richard standing there. I laugh.

     "Nice choice of music, I love it." He chuckles.

     "Chris is always telling is about you. And he always said that you love to dance. Especially salsa." I smile. (I love dancing salsa y bachata super latina of me but i love it)

     "Yes, growing up my parents loved dancing salsa. I remember always seeing them dance Aguanile (you a real one if you know)and I loved it. How it looked, their smiles. They loved it, when I was about maybe 5 I asked my parents to teach me. They asked if I wanted to take classed but I said no. I wanted them to teach me how they dance. My dad gave my mom a look, and she was smiling so much. She has always loved to dance, ever since she was a little girl. And she always wanted me to know and to enjoy dancing." I smile the entire time I said that. Smiling at the memory.

     "Wow, that's something." he responds.

I nod and turn back to the bacon, I remove them from the pan and place them on a plate. As I crumple the empty bag of bacon I hear Aguanile begin to play. I turn around to look at Richard.

     "Come on." he holds his hand out for me. I smile and wipe my hands with a dish towel and take his hand. He immediately spins me around and we begin to dance. What I am amazed at is that he can really dance. He reminds me of my dad. Well the moves does. I swear this past two days I have thought my my parents more than I want. It's still hard for me to talk or think about because I had to grow up without them. Yenny and Chris helped me grow up. But I never grew up with my mom. I couldn't talk to her when things happened nor my dad. I just had my tia and chris. Don't get me wrong, I am super grateful for them. But sometimes a kid just wants her parents.

     As we dance, we get lost in the step it wasn't until we hear an applause that we finally stop. We turn around and see Joel in the kitchen.

     "Ok, I see you guys." He says, but looking at me. I blush, and I grab the empty bacon bag and walk towards Joel. I throw the bag in the bin

I flip my hair to one side.

     "Thank you, maybe next time you can be my dance partner." I tell him. He nods. "How do you like your eggs?" I ask him.

"Estrellados. We all do." I nod and begin to crack two eggs into a pan. As I twist the pepper I feel someone behind me.

"Do you need any help?" I hear Joel ask. I add some salt.

"Yeah can you please get out 6 plates and put them on that counter?"

"What can I do Reina?" Can you make some coffee? Ocho tazas de agua y 2 cucharas de cafe. Los filtros están en esa gabinete." They do exactly that. I take a plate and put the eggs there. I set them down and cracked some more. About 8 minutes later, breakfast was ready, all I had to do was to heat the toast.

"Can you guys wake the others up?" Joel and Richard walk out of the kitchen and I heat the bread up. I pause the music and check my phone. I got a text from Angie.

Gurl, are you serious? They are at your house?! Oh my lord, I'm coming over!

Lol, I reply. I get two butter knives and set them on the table. I go back to the kitchen and get the butter and cream cheese. As I close the fridge door I hear them coming down the stairs.

"Smells good Reina," Chris is standing in front of me.

"Thanks, now hurry up, the food is getting cold." I inform him. He kisses my cheek and takes the coffee pot. I laugh and grab the sugar and half and half.

"Good morning." I say the the rest of the guys.

"Morning," they chorus back. I laugh and sit down next to Joel.

     We all eat and talk. We're having fun, me and Richard were talking about going to a dance club today. Me, Joel, Richard, and Chris. There's a dance club that Emily's cousin knows. Her cousin owns it. Me and Joel are under age but since I know the owner and we'll get VIP. No one will question it. Zabdiel doesn't want to go because he just wants to have a night in. And Erick isn't all to hyped up for clubbing. Besides he says that Zabdiel shouldn't be at the house alone. So it's going to be the five of us. Emily is on her way and Emily being Emily is bringing her clothes. I swear she's too much for me sometimes. But I love her, and as much as Chris says that she is annoying he only says that because he used to like her but they were too stubborn to admit that they liked each other (Ok so like i know that Chris isn't stubborn and is not shy when expressing his romantic emotions but in this story he is when it comes to her)

"Wait, so Emily is going?"Chris asks nervously. I roll my eyes.

"Yes my idiotic cousin how else would we get in? How else would we get to the VIP section? Not a lot of people know about you guys."

"Oye Chris, quien es Emily?" Erick le está molestando. Chris' ears turn slightly pink. I was about to answer his question and embarrass my cousin but then I hear the keys jingle. I gave Emily a key to my house.

I smirk and cross my arms. "Speak of the devil." 

~Hey guys! Wow, I haven't actually written in the longest. I've been super busy lately but I'm trying. I hope you guys like it and I will try to update as soon as I can.~

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