Chapter 6-The USJ Attack

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I walk over and peer off the edge of the boat. I audibly gasp. At least fifteen villains surrounded the boat from what we could see. There are probably more on the other side and in our blind spots.
"God almighty," Rich mutters as he looks at all of the villains. All of them seem to be in their element while they are in the water. No one seems to be approaching the boat.
"They don't know our quirks," I realize aloud.
"What?" Rosie asks.
"I mean, if they are smart they can probably figure out your's, Rich," I state.
"Yeah, the wings are pretty obvious," Rich agrees.
"But none of them are approaching us. If they wanted to get it over with, then they'd finish us quickly. It's like that one time when Mr. Todoroki was in school. The USJ Incident," I explain.
"My god, you're right!" Rosie realizes.
"So, what can we do?" Rich questions. Both Rosie and Rich look at me expectigly.
"What?" I inquire.
"You figured out that they don't know our quirks, so what do we do now?" Rosie asks.
"Well, uh," I begin. I'm cut off by one of the villains.
"Enough chatting!" he shouts. He summons a blast of water and splits the boat.
"Gah!" I shout at the sudden eruption down the center of the boat.
"Damn! Now what?" Rich yells.
"Rich, how are your wings?" I ask very seriously.
"Alex?" Rosie questions with concern.
"Fine, just sore. Why?" Rich replies.
"I need you to fly us over the water. I'm going to make a portal for you to fly through while we're in the air. It should send us back to the entrance of the USJ," I explain.
"I see," Rich says.
"Should?" Rosie questions.
"It'll get us close. Maybe to the stairs," I state.
"Oh," Rosie responds.
"Do you two trust me?" I ask.
Rich nods. I turn to Rosie. "Yeah, I don't have any reason not to," Rosie finally says.
"Rich, are you ready?" I inquire.
"Yeah. While we're flying, remember to duck before we enter the portal," he says.
"Duck? Why?" Rosie questions.
"Trust me, you'll feel it if you don't," he answers.
"Got it," Rosie and I reply. We get into position as the boat continues to sink. Rich grabs both of us around the waist, then lifts off. I focus the gravity around us to lighten Rich's load.
"Duck!" Rich screams. I pull my head in. Heat flares past me. I hear sizzling and steam rises to us. "Portal, Alex!" Rich yells to snap me out of my shock.
"Right!" I reply. I focus on the spot in front of us. I feel suffocated for a split second. We crash to the ground. Battle sounds roar around us. "I undershot!" is the first thought that shoots through my head.
"Kids! You have to get out of here!" I hear Mr. Todoroki shout. I can't move. My muscles refuse to respond.
"Alex! Alex get up!" I hear Rosie shout desperately.
"I've got them!" Rich shouts above the noise. I feel, who I assume to be, Rich grab me by the waist and begins to run.
My eyes flutter open slightly. I wish they hadn't. War rages around me. Rich, indeed, carries me. Mr. Todoroki fights off at least twenty-seven different villians at once. Some are frozen already, but that's not stopping the others.
"I can't move," I mutter.
"I know. Your muscles are probably overused. Just hold on," Rich says.
We run up the stairs. Halfway up, Rich shouts in pain. We tumble to the ground. I still can't move. Rosie stops a few steps ahead of us. "Richard!" she yells in surprise. She rushes back down to us.
A laugh comes from behind us. It chills me to the bone. "It's time for you to die, children!" the voice says from behind us.
"Get away from us!" Rosie shouts.
The man laughs. "No," he growls. Rosie takes a fighting stance.
"Rosie!" I mumble.
"Rosie? You're the doctor's sister!" the man exclaims.
"She is no sister of mine!" Rosie spits.
"Very well, then I won't hold back!" the man shouts. He pauses for a moment, most likely preparing his quirk.
Then, he grunts. I hear him go flying. "Rich! Alex! Are you two alright?" I hear Mr. Todoroki exclaim.
"Sir! Alex can't move. They overused their muscles. Rich just got blasted by-by the man you just kicked," Rosie explains.
"We need to get everyone out of here, sir," Rich says as he struggles to push himself up.
"But it seems none of the alarms are working. We need to alert the other teachers," Rosie adds.
"You have a speedster in your class, right?" Mr. Todoroki asks.
"Yes, sir," Rosie answers.
"I'll protect these two, you need to go and tell him to get the other teachers here immediately!" Mr. Todoroki states.
"But sir!" Rosie begins.
"Go, Roseline! Your class is depending on you!" Mr. Todoroki shouts. Rosie nods reluctantly, then rushes toward the group that is still at the top. Hopefully, Al is still there.
Pain flares through my muscles as I attempt to move. "Stay down, Alex. You've overused yourself, you need time," Mr. Todoroki commands.
"Rich, turn me over if you can. I want to help," I whisper.
"But, Alex!" Rocks replies.
"Please, Rich. I can at least push villains away from us if they get too close," I state.
Rich sighs. "Alright," he turns me over. My eyes widen at the horror in front of me. Villains frozen, burnt, or still fighting.
An explosion in the landslide zone catches my attention. Only one person could have made something so big and electrical. "I hope he's okay," I mumble, knowing that was Austin's special move. "Let them all be okay."

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