Caught up in the moment

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Chapter one - I seen him
~It was my Senior year. And my family moved from Chicago to Texas. My brother was into it with some guys and it got out of control. I don't know how he got himself into something like that because he's not that type of guy well at least that's what I think. But that's not what we here for so~. ASIA LETS GO. Her mom yelled. Ok ma. ~ok diary I got to go let's see what today brings us~. Momma I don't remember how to get there. Asia says. Ok I'll drive u for your first week. Ma what's the name of this school again I can take her. Brandon says. No I got it baby you need to get some rest. Momma I can take her it's not that big of a deal you got a lot on yo plate, taking her to school don't need to be one. Brandon said. Brandon! No get some rest you drove all the way here. Lisa replied. Momma just let him take me to school you gon be late on yo first day of work, that's not good go to work ma. Asia says. Ok. I'll see y'all tonight love y'all and Asia stay out of trouble. Lisa  replied.
                             ~ 10 minutes later ~
Aisia let's go. Brandon says. Ok coming. She replies.
You know it's gon be some boys that's gon try some shit right. Brandon says. Asia replied with. You won't have to worry about them bro. Boys ain't in my interest right now. Okay just trying to make sure you know what your focus is. Said Brandon.
                             ~ 5 minutes later ~
Alright we here, Asia have a good day..
           I will.  she said
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey giiiiiiiiiirl. Brianna yelled. Why are so loud Bri. Sorry girl I'm excited it's yo first day. Yea but I'm not gonna be to active Bri. Aisia you need to be out here it's fun and the boys they fine as hell OKAY. Bri I'm cool on theses guys I need to get top of the class and I'm 75 points away from that. Aisia are you serious. Yea girl I'm trying to be a A list celebrity that's smart as fuck OKAY. Aisia don't do that no more it don't sound good.  Whatever. Asia said tiredly. Speaking of boys here go the finest one in the school Von.
How you doing ladies. Von says. Heeeeeey Vontrell.
Damn Bri you just gon scream out my full name like that. Von said. Hell yes VONTRELL. She says. Omg you so ignorant. He replied. Okay I'll stop for now but meet my cousin Asia. She just moved here from Chicago. Hey how you doing, Vontrell is it. Asia says. Yea Vontrell is my name but you can call me Von or you can call me anytime. Von says.  Mmm ok how bout you put your number in my phone and I'll call you when I need you Von. Asia says. Ok bitch to much now. Brianna Says. Bri chill let me get to know her. Von says. Nigga you don't neeeeed to know her she good, let's go girl. Hold on I want his number. What happened to that I'm not worried about these boys huh where she go because that's what you just said. Brianna said frustratedly. Okay well I want HIS number. Asia replied. Okay well go ahead and get it I'll be waiting right here!
Hey Von! Asia yells.  What's up Asia! Von replied
                                  ~ the bell rings ~
                           Never mind. Asia says.                                        GET TO CLASS, NOW! Mr.Jazz yelled.
Good morning class. Today we will be learning about sex  Mrs.Petterson says.
                               ~ Asia walks in ~
Your late. Ms.Taylor . Sorry it won't happen again.
Stay to your word Ms.Taylor, now the female body has..... Von interrupted with. Three holes and all three are fuckable. Actually the female body has 8 holes the nostrils, ears, mouth, asshole what you are, and two holes in the Vagina one we pee out of and the one that dicks go in and babies come out of, two are made for sexual pleasures mouth and vagina, but when you really think only the vagina was made for that but we use our mouths as a secondary pleasure for y'all Lil dicks, personally if a guy wants anal with a girl he's gay because anal was designed for two guys to have sex. Asia said. Well maybe we can see how fuckable your holes are. Von said aggressively. ~Asia and Von went back a forth~ Maybe you will. See you're not ready. You not ready. I am. Nope you'll drown. Nah you'll gag. I don't have a reflex so I won't, once again you'll drown.  I know how to swim. You cant swim out of a tsunami! But I can surf one..... okay stop this is not the time.  Mrs.Petterson yelled.
               ~ 45 minutes later The bell rings ~
                             Class is dismissed.
So It's a tsunami you say. Von says. Don't worry . Asia replies. Give me yo number I want to take you out. You don't know me. That's the point of a date. Okay here's my number text me tonight at 7:30 and I'll answer for sure oh yea and don't call me ever. Why can't I text you sooner and why can't I call you. Because your a boy that most likely have hoes and so you're going to work around the time I have to waste. Okay so what does that mean? I'm not bout to waste my time because I know you're only gonna fuck up anyway so you're gonna text me around the time I have to waste. Imma text you when I get home. Is that at 7:30? no it's earlier. Then you won't get a reply. Come on Babygirl. That's not on my birth certificate so that's not my name don't call me that. So what's on your birth certificate. Asia! Asia what? Don't worry about it.
                         ~ last period bell rings ~
Imma text you at 5! Von yells. Asia replied. I might reply. Damn she fine. Von says under his breath.

Losing myself||by MartellWhere stories live. Discover now