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      • later...•
Zyon I want to invite London and Asia to the baby shower. Tiera says. Who the hell are they. He replied. Oh I never told you. My ex cheated on me with two other girls and they are the girls. She said. So you want to invite people that you was getting cheated on with to our baby shower. He said confused. Yea I do, is that a problem. She said back. No but that name Asia sounds familiar. He said. Awe well maybe. London, I definitely know she goes with my home boy Marcus so her I know. Okay well I'm gonna call her because I have her number.

Baby let's go to the mall later. London said. Baby, BABY. She yelled. Yea yea wassup baby. Marcus said back. Did you even hear me? Yea I did. Then what I say. You said something about going to the mall. You don't even pay attention you always playing that damn game. How don't I pay attention and I heard what you said. Boy whatever. She said laughing.
                        ~London's phone ring~
Hello. London said. Hey, is this London? Tiera asked. Yes this is London, who is this. She said. I don't know if you remember me but this is Tiera, my boyfriend said he knows your boyfriend, and I was just asking if you would like to come to our baby shower. Awe hey girl, of course would like to come I love baby showers. She said happily. Okay so yea it's today at my house, 3472 W. Crystal street. Okay I'll be there, but who's your boyfriend? London asked. Zyon Brown. Tiera said.  Awe yeeeea we definitely know him. She said. Okay well cool my house today I'll send you the address again.
Baby did you know Zyon was having a baby? London asked Marcus. Awe yea with some girl named Tiera. He said. The girl he's having a baby with, is the girl that von cheated on me with. She said jokingly. Oop well, are we going? He said. Indeed we are going! She said. Okay fine what time? He asked awe she didn't tell I'll find out. She said. 
            ~Asia wakes up to her phone ringing~
Hello. Asia said. Hey can I talk to Asia. Tiera said. This is she. Hey it's Tiera one of the girls that Von was messing with. Hey girl, how you been I heard you was having a baby by him. Awe I'm good, and that's why I'm calling, me and my boyfriend zyon are gonna raise the baby together since deadbeat don't want to help. Awe woooow, he wasn't shit anyway I'm glad I didn't get as deep as y'all did! Yea you wouldn't want to, but yea the baby shower is today and I was trying to see if you wanted to come. Omg yes I would love to come. Okay well I'll text you the address and it's today at 7:30 white people time. She said laughing. Okay I'll definitely be there at 6:00. She said back. Okay so both of them agreed to come so it's going to be like one big happy reunion.... Hopefully. Tiera said with hesitation. Okay well let's go and get the rest of the stuff. Zyon said back.

Aye lil bro wake yo punk ass up. Kentrell said. What nigga. Von said. Yo baby momma having a baby shower for your baby today. Jamal said. No she not, because she would have told me. Von said with attitude. Obviously she doesn't have plans on having this baby with you or you being the father because she posted this on her Facebook, and this shit don't Got your name no where, all I see is another nigga and it says "come celebrate the coming of Zyon Jr with us at 3472 W. Crystal street". Kentrell said laughing. Awe hell nah fuck that, she ain't raising my child around no other nigga. That's on my momma fuck all that. This nigga gots to go. Von said. You want to ride pass that bitch and spray that hoe up? Jamal said. Nah that's putting her, the baby and everybody else at risk. Let's just sit outside the house for a minute, I'm pretty sure he'll step out the house after a minute. Von said. Then when he does we can pull off come back around and shoot him while he by himself! Jamal said. Hell yea I like your thinking baby bro. Kentrell said. Let's go
  ~later that day~
Okay we here now let's just wait, Von said.
   ~king and Asia pulls up~
Aye bro ain't that, that one chick you was messing with? Kentrell said. Hell yes that's her and who the fuck is that nigga she with. Von said angrily. Damn she done popped up at the girl you was cheating on her with baby shower with a whoooole other nigga.... Woooooow. Jamal said.
   ~10 minutes pass Marcus and London pull up~
Damn that's a raw ass BMW. Jamal said. Who that's getting out. Von said. Awe wait I know that nigga, he play the drums for that one famous chick H.E.R., deadass he raw as fuck. Jamal said. Bro, that's London that's getting out the passenger seat. Kentrell said. BRO WTF, so all of they ass got new niggas that's all in the same place, this some bullshit. Aye bro it's good, chill out. Nah fuck that they ass on some bull shit! Von said angrily
~37 minutes go by~
Ghee are we gon pop some niggas or are we going to just sit here outside this hoe house. Jamal said. Bro be patient he gon come outside. Kentrell said. In fact he coming out now, but look all three of them niggas coming outside together! Kentrell said. Bro you thinking what I'm thinking. Von said.
      ~They pull off to come back around the block~
So how did you meet zyon. London asked Tiera. He was a lifelong friend he kinda just stepped in when Von wouldn't help. How did you meet Marcus and I not find out because Marcus knows zyon. Tiera said. He was a lifelong friend too and when I stopped fuckn with Von I just gave him the chance he's waited a long time for.  Asia how did you meet king. London asked. I met him on a pad run! Which was kinda embarrassing on my end. She said. Ha, girl well at least he knows your pad size, I send Marcus out he gets the wrong ones even if I tell him. London said laughing      
    (Skkkkkkkkkuurt... the car pulls up and stops)
wassup you pussy niggas. Von said      
(Gunshots go off)
     Omg get down everybody. Asia said.
Fuuuuuuuuck, I'm shot...... said

Losing myself||by MartellWhere stories live. Discover now